Every once in awhile I like to get my FaceBook on. I’m not on it much, but it’s nice to check in and see what folks are up to and kid around. I checked in this week and had the following exchange
Friend’s Update: feeling that classic “day after the rapture letdown” letdown.
Sunday at 5:07pm
- Another Friend Responds: worst. rapture. ever.
Monday at 6:57am
- Unknown Mami: It was such a let down I am hereby referring to it as the crapture.
7 minutes ago
Speaking of FaceBook, if you are on it will you pretty please “Like” my page? You can click HERE. I’d be so grateful. I’d be happy to “Like” you back if you tell me where to go.
Since this post seems to be focusing on social media, check out this video. I found it quite amusing.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Be careful or you could fall for some tricks today.
I’ve actually deleted my FB account today. The one I had related to my photography. Why? I just don’t have enough time to keep up with everything. I started feeling bad for not checking it out more frequent so I’ve decided it’s time to deactivate it. I still have a private one that I use to stay in touch with real life friends and family.
I totally understand. It really can get to be too much.
Of course I will like you!! And your virginity convo yesterday? HOOlarious!
Thought I would stop in for Fragmented Fridays, it sounds a bit like my brain today . . . a bit on the fragmented side. Good luck with your FB page. I enjoy my FB page and would love for you to check it out here is the link https://www.facebook.com/pages/Artistix-Network-LLC/221302441266
Have a fantastic Friday!
Thank you Anita. I just “Liked” your FB page.
good luck with your fb page. (i’ve deleted mine recently.)
have a great weekend!
missed you.
betty xx
Betty, miss you too. Hope you are well and taking care of yourself.
Visit me at: http://www.unknownmami.com.
FB – just did (liked) it – my FB page I’m trying to grow is called Stop Music On-Hold – please “like” it. Oh it just occurred to me that “like” was probably used because people much younger than me say “like” all the time.
You have been liked.
Damn FB distraction – I forgot to comment on your post.
I really like (enjoyed, thought highly of, maybe I use like too much too?) your word crapture.
Did you coin the term?
I came up with it on the spot, but you know someone else has probably thought of it to. I was quite pleased at my quick wit, if I do say so myself.
I don’t do Facebook but I wish you success with all the Likes you reel in.
Hope you and your husband and girls enjoy this long weekend.
I’m envious…
That video was hilarious… and yeah, sure, I like you anyway, so why not make it official?
I posted a rapture status the day before. Got some of my funniest comments ever. It’s not a Monkey Man page though. It’s my real name which is…….
Yeah, my exchange was under my real name, which is…you go first!
I don’t go on very often either. I went over and LIKED you. Have a great weekend.
I liked you ….wait I like okay that just sounds weird..consider it done!
Awesome video…
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow, I am quoted! I am honored. Thanks. I promise to like your page as soon as FB is not blocked, which it is here at work. Maybe I have already liked it?
No, I don’t think you’ve “Like”d it yet. I just started it yesterday.
“Crapture” is right. What a multi-million dollar sucking joke THAT was.
I’m not a Facebooker– I just don’t have time to keep up with it so I dropped it. My bad.
LOVE the video. That is very fun. Hope you and the family are all good. Happy long weekend.
xo jj
PS As soon as I figure out what’s wrong with my camera which no longer allows me to download photos on my Mac I’ll be back to SIMC– I miss it and you!
I’ve missed you terribly. SIMC is not the same without you.
hope you don’t mind my 2 (3) cents here – but I recall you had a macbook so if it is like this one you have a SD card slot built into the side of the laptop. I just pop the memory card right into the slot and Iphoto pops up. No cords. Of course I don’t know what type of camera you have and maybe that card slot is messed up.
officially liked! Here’s mine http://tinyurl.com/3e292j5
I already liked you so added you to my page favorites.
The crapture! That is hilarious!
Funny statuses.
Funny Video.
Facebook comes with so many problems, I get overwhelmed.
Have you seen the South Park episode about FB. Here’s a 2 minute portion.
That video was awesome. I wonder where it’s all headed.
worst. rapture. ever. (loved that!)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, love, loved the video! And “crapture” is exactly the right description!
I liked you and I hope a million more people like you ASAP.
They say it is one of the most important things you can do for your blog.
I don’t have one. I am so not cool : (
I resisted it for so long, but decided it was time. Thank you for liking me.
Of course I will like your FB page!
Yeah, the rapture was a pretty big disappointment. It was funny to watch everyone freaking out, though. 🙂
I “like” you on Facebook! Head over to my blog and I have a link to mine on the sidebar.
Yeah, the rapture was a pretty big disappointment. It was funny to watch everyone freaking out, though. 🙂
I “like” you on Facebook! Head over to my blog and I have a link to mine on the sidebar.
Thanks! I l liked you right back.
The CRAPTURE!!!!! Why didn’t I think of this?
I’m liking the crapture comment!