You know how they say that if you die in your dreams, you will die in real life? Well, it’s not true. I know because I died in my dream once and I’m here to tell the story.
I had this dream years ago. I was at a table in a restaurant with my mother, grandmother, and aunt. A man walked in and held up a gun to us, then he turned and pointed it right at my head. I could feel my heart pounding. Then I realized that I had to be dreaming because my grandmother had been dead for quite some time, so there was no way I could actually be at a restaurant with her. I told myself everything would be okay and I willed myself to wake up, but I didn’t. Instead the man shot me in the head. It was happening in slow motion and I had thoughts running through my head like, “but you can’t die in your dream or you will really die” and “you’ll wake up any second”.
I didn’t wake up. The bullet went in my head and I felt nothing. Everything went black. I could not feel my heartbeat, I could not feel my breath, I could not hear or see or feel. I felt disembodied in darkness and thoughts weren’t even thoughts. It was all just darkness and I knew I was dead. Then I woke up. It was the strangest dream I’ve ever had.
My dream life has always been very active. Even as a child, I owned a diccionario de los sueños (dream dictionary). I no longer consult dream dictionaries, but my dream life continues to be very active. Sometimes the only way I know I’ve actually been sleeping is because of my dreams.
I’m pregnant and that means that as soon as I fall asleep I can count on having a dream. So far they haven’t been too exciting.
Celebrity sitings I’ve had in my dreams:
I dated Sean “Puffy” Combs aka P.Diddy and his mother kept trying to kill him. Sean complained that I never dressed up to go out with him and I answered, “Yeah, like I’m gonna wear my nice clothes so that your mom can shoot us!”
Richard Gere needed a place to stay and a former boyfriend and I offered him a room. He thanked me by giving me a joint that was as big as a cigar. I kept thinking, “I didn’t know Richard Gere was a stoner.”
Celebrity dream siting I wouldn’t mind having:
Simon Baker from The Mentalist.
When reality and dreams collide:
Sometimes my dreams are so realistic and they bring me so much joy. In one, I ran into a friend whom I LOVE and have not seen in decades. I was so happy to see him. We embraced and started talking, then I smelled something rancid and said, “It smells like SHIT in here.”
We turned and saw that Unknown Papi was sleeping on a couch and farting. It smelled awful. I woke up and my bedroom smelled as bad as my dream because Unknown Papi was sleeping next to me and farting. I was so mad, I woke him up and thanked him for ruining my dream with his stinky farts.
Do you have an active dream life?
I too love Simon Baker… *drool*
What’s there not to love?
I’m laughing here – at the thought of those stinky farts! I’m a lucid dreamer, which means I can control my dreams to some extent. For example, if I don’t like what I’m wearing, I stop and change clothes and then continue with the dream! Crazy,huh?!
I love that. If I realize I’m dreaming I can do it too.
OMG! I’ve always had a very active dream life, with some of my dreams being psychic. For example, starting at age 15, I would often dream of getting married. I’d see myself, dressed in white, walking down the aisle towards a man who had his back turned to me. Everytime I had that dream, I wanted to see the grooms face, but never could because he would never turn around. Fast forward to my first unofficial date with Hubby. We had gone to lunch with a group of friends after church. Nothing even remotely spectacular happened that day. Well that night, I had that same wedding dream, but when I finally reached the groom, he turned around and I saw that it was Hubby! I was so shocked and scared I immediately woke up in a panic. How could I dream of marrying someone I had only known for a short time and were weren’t even dating yet! Today, I’m celebrating my 16th wedding anniversary with the man of my dreams! 🙂
Last paragraph… hilarious. So, you finished up your dreamlike post with that hilariously hilarious phrase! I’m laughing here out loud! hahaha!!!
Thanks for the morning laugh.
B xx
Dreams are funny, aren’t they? I wrote a bunch down once for my therapist because they were so detailed and weird. He couldn’t believe the detail I had. I often dream of Ogunquit, Maine where I spent summers for 15 years. We’ve decided it is like my safe place.
I can’t wait to hear about other celebrity citings from you!
I don’t dream anywhere near as actively as you do. I wonder if there is a relationship between a persons dream life and their creativity.
I do have dreams from time to time with my mother, who died over 40 years ago, in them. Sometimes they are from my childhood and sometimes from my current life with her alive in them. I love having those dreams and hate waking up from them.
Oh, Simon Baker. He has one of the best smiles. Ever. Can I get him from Christmas?
I’ve died countless times in my dreams and I am still alive. However, I have never been shot in the head. Certainly, if there was an exception, that would be it.
I dreamed that I was dating that Wipeout gal. That was an excellent dream.
Bahahaha! Stinky farts. It kills me!
Ah, dreams make me tired.
yes I have an active dream life and enjoy dreaming most of the time. I tend to have dreams involving my past and people that were in my past.
The fart dream is a great one. I do think some of our senses, smell, hearing are active and can influence our dream in real time.
Wow – strange dream…. that would really freak me out!
Your shooting dream must have been quite disturbing. You okay?
Oh yeah, that dream was a long time ago. I’ve had worse.
I used to have some awesome recurring horror story dreams as a kid. One was based on a Doctor Who episode and had vines breaking through the floor and attacking and I could never get up and run, only scramble backwards while sitting on the floor. Another involved the characters coming out of a Richard Scarry book and something to do with electrical wiring going everywhere, but in that one I was just an observer. My favourite was the one where I was trying desperately to escape something in my primary school grounds and would discover I could fly if I ran downhill fast enough and then began kicking my legs frantically. I sort of miss those dreams.
Now I rarely remember any dreams unless they’re those anxiety ones you have when you’re half asleep after hitting the snooze button and you think you’ve started your day and bizarre things happen and you wake up panicking that you’ve done something really stupid and it takes just a little too long to realise it was only a dream.
I often dream that I am being kidnapped while wearing a yellow and blue jacket.
Once I dreamed I was being chased by a purple octopus and once I dreamt about a train crash. I have a really intresting dream that I will share later!
I suggest you never ever wear a yellow and blue jacket. Ever.
I had one actually when I was in high school!
Ok sweetie try to stick to the Richard Gere kind of dreams because the others are just to scary! Eeek.
Ha, love the farting dream sequence! I think it’s cool when reality intrudes in dreamworld, like sometimes I’ll be dreaming and in my dream, we’ll hear a noise and start talking about it and then I wake up and it’s my alarm. A crossover dream!!
I don’t know about dying, but I know that sometimes if you pee in your dream…it’s real and you best wake up FAST.
I had a dream about Jimmy Smits years ago-we were really close friends in the dream and ever since, I have felt a kinship with him. Like I’m so happy for his continued success as an actor, because I’ve known him forever.
That’s how I feel about Richard Gere. He was so darned nice in my dream.
I saw Jimmy Smits in real life a few years back. He was at the NY Latino Film Festival. He seemed very nice when I was trying to surreptitiously photograph him.
I always dream a lot but when I wake up nearly always forget everything within minutes and cannot thereafter recall them. You certainly have some interesting dreams.
very interesting dreams! I did hear that too if you dreamt you were dying theory; I have had dreams where something terrible was going to happen to me and I did the same thing you did “its a dream” but I woke up, not like your experience. I have had a few dreams with my mom in it (she died 4 years ago) and I always remember she’s dead in them but they are nice dreams to have. I think the funniest ones I have are when I dream that hubby is having an affair (never happened) and when I wake up I am really mad at him for a long time.
I hope you have a nice weekend 🙂
Yes! I have always had very vivid dreams. Recently the most memorable one involved meeting up with a friend of mine who passed away 10 years ago. In the dream she revealed that she had faked her death to escape an abusive boyfriend. I was sad when I woke up.
Your dreams seem to have a gun theme. You might want to crack open that dream dictionary and figure that out!
When I was in Lamaze they played this video one night where the woman explained how when she was pregnant she had crazy dreams. She said that she had a reoccurring dream where she went into labor and had a litter of kittens. Everyone in the class was quietly sitting soaking in all the information that the video contained…except me and my husband who were laughing and thinking up names for the kittens.
I don’t need a dream dictionary for the gun theme. I was mugged at gun point and ever since then guns have figured prominently in my dreams (nightmares, really).
You are too funny! I dream every night and in color. Most of mine are pretty weird but every once in a while I will have a doozy and write it down.
BTW….everytime I was pregnant I would have dreams of giving birth to puppies or kitties. Had any of those? 🙂
I must not sleep well, because I have crazy, vivid dreams almost every night!
Simon Baker is a hottie. Hot hot hotttie.
Okay, that last one about Unknown Papi has me snorting with laughter!
My dream life isn’t nearly as active as yours. I will admit that as a child I often had dreams of going to the bathroom, and then proceeded to wet the bed. I used to sleepwalk, and once woke up to find myself naked and in the bathtub. I often dream of bugs crawling on me, and wake myself up because I’m thrashing around, trying to get them off. I’d much rather dream of Simon Baker. Or The Rock. Or Orlando Bloom – but only if he’s dressed as Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Brilliant and Hilarious!
Love this!
What a rude awakening to a dream – did you thank Unknown Papi for that?! 🙂 I’ve been having all sorts of bizarre, active dreams ever since we moved to California. The only time I haven’t had any dreams was when we were in Vegas for my cousin’s wedding. I think I need to go back to Vegas to get some good sleep.
My dreams are usually either really strange (such as the dream I had a few weeks ago that I was sprinkling parmesan cheese on people’s heads) or intense – kidnapping, rape, murder, alien invasion lol. I dreamed recently that I was trying to force a pack of angry wolves out of my house.
As far as celebrity dreams, I’ve had several. Some of the celebrities in my dreams have been Orlando Bloom (love), My Chemical Romance (I used to be a fan), Mick Jagger, Michelle Pfeiffer, Val Kilmer, and a few others. I’ve had more than one dream about Orlando and MCR, but it’s been a long time since I dreamed about either of them.
I generally love it when I can remember my dreams. Some are like going to the movies and some reveal what is really on my mind, maybe really bothering me.
I read some time ago that we all dream every night but that we don’t always remember them. To remember them you have to have had a good session of REM sleep and, I believe, wake in a relaxed way that allows you to collect your thoughts. All that suggests that pregnancy is currently giving you good nights’ sleep where you’re feeling nice and relaxed. 🙂
I do have a very active dream life…too often I have nightmares…I have dreamed that I’ve died also…each time it was actually very peaceful and calm. The dream of you smelling something that smelled like shit and waking up to your husband farting totally cracks me up…lol….have a good weekend! XX
You are just a riot! Unknown Papi ruining your dreams..that made me laugh! I, too, have been shot in the head in a dream. It was a very long time ago. I also have had some great celebrity dreams. Those are fun, aren’t they?
Very funny post!
Sounds a lot like me Mami. I have very vivid and strange dreams. Things that are very unrealistic and could never happen in real life. I remember as a kid about 10 years old, dreaming about a T-Rex dinosaur talking to me through my bedroom window. Over 40 years later, I still remember that dream. And sometimes I wake up from a vivid dream that seems so real that it takes me a minute to “recover” and realize it was only a dream.
Dreams are powerful things….mine are always like movie clips…I don’t think I’ve ever had one with farts in them…lol 😉
hugs friend
You shall never know if I make thunder! 😉
I think, thanks to your Friday Fragments, I had some very vivid dreams last night. Something about being an aerialist, wearing spandex and a sports bra and sucking in my stomach…
That reminds me that I had a very strange dream about Justin Bieber the other night. He was flirting with me like I was some hot 30 year old in one of his videos, the ones where with a bunch older women gush over him. It was gross. I have no idea why I had that dream. I absolve myself of any responsibility for it because the Bieber craze just drives me nuts. I don’t get it. – G
I have vivid dreams which at the time seem very real but sadly I can never remember them later.
Thanks for calling by ‘News From Italy’ I thought they looked like mini hedgehogs!
Enjoy your weekend.
During both of my pregnancies, my dreams were ridiculous! I cant even talk about it!! hahahaha!! I too owned a dream dictionary…still do!
LOL @ Pdiddy dream. I have crazy dreams when I’m pregnant. I haven’t had the dead dream you did but i have that unable to breath slipping away and knowing i’m dreaming but can’t wake myself up… those ones are scary.
I’ve always been an active dreamer, including the dream of falling off a high cliff, or out a building or something. I’ve never hit the ground, because, like you, I’ve heard if you die in your dream you really die (:
And yes, Simon Baker is a cutie-patootie.
I dream all the time. Some good and some bad. I don’t know what any of them mean though I do sort of believe that they are rooted not only in the present but our past lives as well. Now, dreaming of Richard Gere, stoner or not is something I would love to be doing for a long time.
I do not have an active dream life but when I do it’s usually my husband cheating on me with the woman he had left me for years ago. (remember we have been back together for 22 years now) I hate when I have that dream. Simon Baker can come and visit anytime he wants to 🙂
You certainly have an interesting dream life. My my vivid dreams were when I was pregnant. They all seem to carry great fears and meanings. And were often violent.
Funny also how real life can seep into the dream.. especially in the case of the stinky farts. 😉
I have really bizarre, LONG, involved and detailed dreams. When I was pregnant, they just got WEIRDer. I also had a dream where I died once, I dreamed that someone murdered me by slitting my throat with a bed spring. I have no idea what it means, I woke up right after I died and was totally panicked, it was like a nightmare I guess. So weird.
I have never succeeded in dying in my dreams because like you, I talk to myself in my dream: You can do anything! It is your own dream! I seriously have willed myself to fly in my dream to escape death quite a few times. I have also magically created a weapon for myself when I was being attacked by monsters. Not sure whether this means I am insane. LOL
I’ve always had really vivid dreams too. Last week, I had a nightmare where this ghost was trying to suck my soul out of my body. It was so real that I could hear the hub trying to wake me up so I kept telling him to “get her off me.”
I didn’t go back to sleep for a couple of hours. Spooky.
Man, there is A LOT going on in that head of yours LOL 🙂
You’ve been quoted!