Most of you know I’m preggers and if you don’t, where’ve you been? I am about 25 weeks along, that’s more than halfway through. I haven’t really been enjoying this pregnancy or getting ready for the new arrival because I’ve been too busy worrying about the well-being of the baby and whether or not this was going to remain a viable pregnancy. Well, it’s viable, Baby. It’s viable!
Time to change gears and start enjoying what is left of the pregnancy and getting ready for our brand new daughter’s arrival.
I’ll start the enjoyment-fest by letting you know that physically I feel really good. Last pregnancy was full of panic attacks, this one is not. Last time my hips hurts so much I could hardly sleep, this time my hips feel fine and sleep in not an issue so far. My body feels good, I’ve been exercising regularly (45 minutes a day on my stationary bike), and I feel strong.
Now in terms of getting ready, since we are having another little girl, I feel like we are covered as far as clothes go. I was going to get another infant car seat because we got rid of the last one, but a kind friend is giving us one. We had a crib, but it was recalled. So what we really need is a crib.
Things are really tight around here financially and I was very stressed out about how we would cover the expense of a crib, but this blog and CSN Stores came to the rescue. The gracious folks at CSN Stores offered me the opportunity to review one of the products they carry. They pretty much offer everything under the sun so I decided to review a crib! That’s right, I got a crib!!!
Just a few days ago the DaVinci Jenny Lind 3-in-1 Convertible Crib arrived. I have to admit that I had a hard time choosing which crib to get, especially since I was doing it online as opposed to in person, but thanks to online reviews from CSN as well as other sites I decided that this was the crib for us. This crib can convert to a toddler bed with an optional rail.
The last crib we had was one of those very nice sleigh bed style cribs that is supposed to turn into a full size frame so that your child can have it until they move out. I did not want that kind of a crib this time because I just don’t think my child will be in the same frame for that long.
Other things I like about the crib:
- It has casters so that I can move it easily to vacuum or get toys that have made their way under.
- It includes teething rails to protect the crib from teething baby and baby from wood splinters in mouth.
- It has an adjustable 4-level mattress spring system.
- I like that it’s black (it comes in cherry and natural too).
I can’t tell you how the baby likes it until next year, but I am happy with it and I am really grateful for the opportunity to review it.
Now it’s time to start considering baby names. Any suggestions for what the new baby’s blog pseudonym should be? What should “Put Pie’s” sister’s name be?
Disclosure: I received the DaVinci Jenny Lind 3-in-1 Convertible Crib to facilitate this review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are 100% mine.
So happy for you guys!
I;m so happy that you are finally able to relax and enjoy the remainder of your pregnacy!!!
Funny that you need a real name and a blog pseudo name too!
So happy to hear that all is well. 🙂 And good for you for being able to acquire the crib in exchange for the review.
I kinda like the sound of Puddin’ and Pie (with apologies to Georgie Porgie). 😉
I will keep suggesting to EVERY PREGGERS person my favorite baby name ever in the history of forever… …….Tabitha Ruth and her nickname should be Truth (T from tabitha and ruth…..from Ruth. Truth)
The name comes from the heroine in the book Who Comes With Cannons by Patrica Beatty. Truth was a young ‘coming of age’ girl who was told she was too young to truly help the slaves in the Underground Railroad. But she helped and saved many lives.
I am so glad you are past that viable part & you are feeling good!!! I love the crib you’ve picked out – very pretty!
nice hearing some good news and boy you do have that review thing down good. No wood splinters? Where the nutrition in that? I’m lost for a name but Mag Pie would keep her in the “Pie” family.
I’m so glad things are looking and feeling so good. Getting a crib must make it all seem very real. I’m sure I have the perfect pseudonym in my head some where, but the only thing I can come up with right now is Cute Cakes.
I can hear the anticipation and happiness in every word you typed….It is so awesome:) I love it.
cool crib
hugs friend
hi! so glad to hear you and yoour baby are doing so good!!what a gogeous crib!!Way to go Mami!!what about mango pie?LOL I’ll keep thinking of more!!Hugs!
How cool is that? You got a crib out of a review? That’s a pretty generous gift. Congrats on the baby, and especially that you can relax now and enjoy the ride.
I know, right?! I’m pretty stoked on getting the crib.
What a great crib! I’m so happy for you!
won’t be long before you will be welcoming the little one into your house!! still praying for you all! I am really bad with coming up with names but maybe “Wee One?”
that crib does look neat!!
all very exciting to get ready for your new baby!
Ooh! How about “Pitter Patter” for the new baby? You could call her “Pit Pat” for short! Put Pie and Pit Pat. I’m likin’ it!
I’m also liking that you’re starting the enjoyment fest and are feeling good! Woot-woot!
Oh, I think Pit Pat is very witty. So far it’s my favorite suggestion.
The way to tell if baby likes the crib is by the amount of teeth marks. If there are few, then you know baby isn’t trying to gnaw his way to freedom.
I don’t know if I knew you were preggers…but congrats!
Let the nesting begin! 🙂
This is a wonderdul news. I am so happy fpr you and the crib looks fab.
How about Bubula? And way to score a crib! I’m so happy your baby health worries are over!!! Well, they’re never really over, but you know.
I am so happy that you are now happy and able to relax with your new baby. I cant wait to see the new arrival (I know we have a while before we see the pics – but so excitetd). Loving the crib. Am so broody for Youngling#2 and hope that we would have a little girl (one of each would be fab). Not that we are trying yet. You’ll be the first to know when we do 😉 Take care hun, Kate xx
Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy and good that you got a crib too!!
First off, congratulations on your happy news. I am so glad you can start enjoying yourself.
Second off, that’s a pretty crib and free is always a terrific bonus.
Georgie porgie (from the rhyme Georgie porgie, puddin and pie). On second thought, that isn’t really very adorable.
You have Pie covered about about Baby Cakes? Forget it, I am still half asleep.
You already got the crib, way to go Mami! Looks like a nice crib and will be used for the little toddler too. When you call you little girl Put Pie I sometimes think of pie as in food and sometimes little farts. So in keeping with the food theme, the next little girl could be Puddin’.
Congrats on the crib, looks great – my first thought for baby’s screen name was cupcake
I’m so glad you’re feeling better! are you showing yet?.. I would love to see a picture of the unknown belly!! =) Good Bless you!!
That is so awesome!!
I am so happy that you are moving into enjoying your pregnancy. And I am so glad that CSN helped you out with that. I love CSN! And that is a beautiful crib. I hope that you will show us a pic of the nursery when it’s all set up!
And my vote is for “Pumpkin Pie”. (Full disclosure: That’s what my mom called me.)
I love CSN and it looks like you made a good pick from them!! I am so happy things are going so well now!!
Woo-hoo! CSN picked the perfect blogger to review a crib. You picked a great one– I’m sure you sweet new daughter will have many happy dreamed-filled nights in the crib.
I’ve been out of town and am happy to be back and hearing you’re feeling so good and enjoying being pregnant! That’s fabulous news.
xoxox jj
Good luck! Take it easy!
What a beautiful crib and it’s so classy! As for your new little girl’s blog pseudonym…I’ve got nothing. I’m terrible at names!
So pleased you are feeling so good. With everything else you’ve been dealing with it would have been awful to have been feeling really ill as well.
CSN Stores are great, I have bought many things for my daughter’s room and other rooms in the house from them. Congratulations on your crib, it looks wonderful and good for you, deciding to just enjoy the rest of this pregnancy, I am glad that you finally are able to do that.
Good for you!! That’s a beautiful crib.
I’m glad you’re feeling so well! How lucky to get the crib for review.
Oh rock on for you – on all counts! Yayyyyyyy!
My suggestion? Me too first. Or so it’s gone with most siblings I know 😉
Pretty crib…..I’m happy they hooked you up! Blog name for baby boo??? Putin Pie 2! Okay I’m not creative at all.
Congratulations on your great news! And a girl!!! We had a Jenny Lind. When we finally sold it at a year sale (oh, about 18 years of use) – my friend had to close the sale. I just couldn’t do it myself! What a beautiful crib – but then I’m a little prejudice!
Congrats on the baby and the free stuff!!! Mine always slept with me – I don’t think they used their crib even a handful of times.
My older one sleeps in her bed for about 3-4 hours and then she ends up with us.
wow. moving right along..before you know it…
Oh goodness I love the Pit Pat suggestion! That’s great. I’ve always liked Picabo (Peek-a-boo) Street’s name, so that’s my suggestion – Peek-a-boo or Picabo.
Congrats on getting the crib for a review! You are so well deserving of it 🙂
I think Pit Pat is pretty cute.
Yay for free stuff! That is a nice looking crib, very stylish.
Hmmm, as for baby’s blog pseudonym? CuteCakes? SweetCheeks? I’m really not very good at this. I like the suggestion of PitPat. – G
holy lord-that’s a GORGEOUS crib!!! Way to go CSN!!! Congrats on the new purchase. It’s great to have some new items for the new babe. 🙂
Oh I remember that stage of getting bits a pieces ready – lovely. I’m so glad that you are able to relax and enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy. 🙂
It’s beautiful. I had a Jenny Lind style for my children. It’s up in out attic and most like doesn’t pass code anymore but I can’t seem to let it go.
The crib is awesome, and so is CSNStores! Careful–my friend went to the hospital in May to deliver her daughter and got a son, instead!haha
That is so freaking awesome!!! I am really happy CSN came through with a crib. How can you not just love those people, right?
Ok…a name…Punkin Pie? I guess I am just in the holiday spirit. 🙂
Yay!! I’m so happy that you are getting a chance to start enjoying this pregnancy. Looks like a great crib! Okay…names for Put Pie’s sister. Well, if you asked my boys they would probably recommend Rainbow Unicorn. That was Nino’s choice for Diego and it didn’t get used to his great disastisfaction. Want it?