I went to the doctor yesterday to get yet another ultrasound. Quick recap for those of you that don’t know about my pregnancy saga: during my first ultrasound my amniotic fluid was dangerously low and there was a worry that the baby might not have any kidneys. Since then the news has gotten progressively better.
I am tired of focusing on the negative, so I am going to highlight the positve and gloss over the not so positive. Yesterday my amniotic fuid was within the “normal” range; the low side of normal, but normal none the less. This feels like a huge improvement.
The not so positive is that one of the baby’s kidneys is in the pelvic area and may or may not be obstructed which blah, blah, blah may cause problems. Blah, blah, blah, won’t know until the baby is born. Blah, blah, blah, may need to be operated on after birth.
Here’s the thing, I am doing my best to focus on the certainties. It is certain that my amniotic fluid has increased from dangerously low to within a “normal” range, it is certain that my baby is doing well now, it is certain that I can not predict the future so I need to focus on the present.
Again, thank you all for your kind support, love, and kindness. I know I’ve felt it and I’m certain the little girl inside of me has too.
Yay for good things!
Yes, definitely, focus on the good! And if she does have a kidney in the wrong place, they can operate so it is a problem that is solveable. And I knew I was seeing pink. Have you thought of a nickname for the new one?
This is encouraging news. Yes, focus on all the positives!
Just think if this had been your first scan you’d been very concerned but not terrified. It sounds like you are at a stage where modern medicine can sort out the problem. Hope you can stay positive and sending you more hugs x
I’m so happy for you, friend. Kidney in the pelvic area? Small beans, chica. Small beans. This is treatable. It is well.
I had low amniotic fluid throughout most of my pregnancy. It fluctuated, but at best was on the low side of the normal range. Was often at the dangerous level. I was checked weekly and had to do kick counts three times a day and report the results to my doctor. My daughter was actually delivered via C-section at 37 weeks because my fluid reached critically low levels. It was almost all gone. My point to all this? She was 100% OK. Had they not been monitoring me (and her) so closely, things could have ended far worse. So celebrate your good news, and be glad that your doctors are watching you and your little girl closely.
That said, I think ultrasound technology is a double edged sword. On the one hand, it enables doctors to identify and prepare for problems prior to birth. But I think it can also cause a lot of unnecessary angst. We were told our daughter had a hole in her heart and could require surgery after birth. Not long after that, they said everything was fine. It was an emotional roller coaster ride.
Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy. Stay positive, and know that your little girl will be in good hands, and they will be able to help her should she have a kidney issue.
Thank you for sharing your story. It really is an emotional roller coaster. I’m glad that they are watching me, but sometimes it is just too much information to take in and a lot of conjecture.
I know EXACTLY what you mean!
Yeah for good news! So happy for you and your little family.
I had to comment because last night I had a dream about you. We were taking a walking tour through the mountains. We were given the VIP tour which meant that we were able to walk through all of the tunnels that were dug out of the mountainsides back in biblical times. In my dream, only a select few were ever allowed to go through and somehow we all made it. We were walking through and in the middle of one of the caves, which was very brightly lit, was a cave painting done by some biblical person of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. The way the sun was shining on the painting the whole thing just lit up and was glowing like someone had put batteries inside of it. Except it was the sun shining on the painting (which had not faded at all, bright brilliant colors) inside of the cave. You and put pie were there with Isabella, Joey and Me. I have no idea where our husbands were.
Wow, that’s quite a dream. Was I wearing my paper bag?
No you were not wearing the paper bag and you were gorgeous. So according to my dreams, I have seen your face and the face of Put Pie a cutie pie as well. I was calling her by name in the dream, but I don’t remember what I was calling her. I think I was calling you by name too……I wish I could remember that part of the dream!
That’s great news. One day at a time! And now, at least there ARE kidneys!! Unknown Baby is going to be just fine. It’s a Diva Decree!
My mother-in-law found out when she was 70 that she was born with only one kidney. Obviously it was never an issue 🙂
Ultrasounds are wonderful, but quite often they cause concern when none is warranted. I have seen it over and over again. There are too many variables from equipment to techs.
I know things will be fine for you and your little one.
This is good news! Yay for normal ranges. It just keeps getting better.
You are too kind. Thank you.
So great to have good news! You’re good to focus on the positive! I know how hard that is in certain situations. Every time I get an email update from you, I’m edge. Thanks for keeping us all posted.
Woo-frickin’-hoo! A possible problem that can easily be fixed with surgery after birth is nothing to worry about. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy from now on. At least a little bit. 🙂
I am so happy for the good news. I know (ok, I am just guessing because nobody really knows what you are going through…) it must be really hard to keep a positive perspective. I am so proud of you! Still thinking of you. Still sending good wishes. xxoo
Good to hear. Do keep focusing on the positive. Improvement in the fluid quantity has to mean improvement in her kidney function. You’re wise not to let your mind fill with “what ifs?” Wishing you a very relaxing rest of your pregnancy and a very healthy outcome.
So glad your in the normal range, that is good news. Keeping you and your little one in my prayers.
Focusing on the positive is the best thing you can do for that precious baby girl, and for yourself.
You may “blah, blah blah” but you can’t hide concern. We are here to support you and your fam. Glad the news is of improvment. Docs always “Eyore” their diagnosis.
Doing the happy dance for you. So glad you are able to focus on the positive and keep your chin up. I’m sure it’s probably not easy. You are a rockstar. I am here for you.
Dare I allow my feet to do a little happy dance? You have a wonderful perspective – focusing on what is certain, what you DO know, and the present! Thank you for keeping us all updated and being so transparent.
Have faith that things will work out. I know they will. And I wish I knew more about amnesia fluid, but that sounds great.
I think you are right to focus on the good news. You began this journey thinking the baby had no kidneys. Now you know she has one kidney at least that is fine and your amniotic fluid levels being in the normal range must mean that that kidney at least is working well and also means less risks of other complications. You have been so very brave through all this, I admire you for your attitude and am so very glad that there has been so much positive news.
Blah blah blah nothing! This is sooooo fantastic!
my uncle in law was a helicopter pilot in vietnam, a swinger, and a lawyer. Years later he found out he only had one kidney. Goes to show, you don’t miss what you don’t know you should be missin’!
I’m hearing so many stories of people who had no idea they only had one kidney; it’s encouraging.
I am so happy to hear that you have good news to share – and that you’re focusing on it. I can only imagine how it would drive you nuts if you didn’t/couldn’t. Fingers crossed the kidney issue resolves itself, as well!
I’m glad to hear things are going better. But I won’t un-cross my fingers quite yet.
Nothing but positive thoughts, vibes, prayers, etc…. coming your way.
That’s very good news that is definitely worth focusing on. I’ll keep my prayers going anyway. It can’t hurt.
I’m doing a happy dance for you. Yay for focusing on the good! 🙂
I’m thanking God for your news! I am glad it was a good report about your amniotic fluid! I think I told you before that I was praying that it would increase; I believe God provides for our needs (which can be so totally different from what we think our needs are). But I prayed that he would give your little one all the amniotic fluid she needed. I am glad it is up to a more normal level. So thank you God!
will continue to pray for you through the rest of your pregnancy
Glad to hear you have some good news. Since the news is getting progressively better, perhaps the next doctor visit will be the best one of all. Here’s hoping it only gets better.
I read your whole post and all I saw was normal level and a baby that is doing well.
Yay for good news!
I am so happy to hear this good news! God is absolutely answering all of our prayers!
I am very, very happy for you :).
I am so glad to hear the good news. Sounds like you are doing the right thing by focusing on the good and present. I hope that the news keeps getting better and better.
Yeey for the good news!!!
I am so happy to read this! So it is a little girl? I am sure you get tired of talking about all of this so thank you for taking the time to update all of us. I have been praying for this little one and you and of course the rest of your family. I think it’s good that you are going to focus on the positive cause all this other stuff can drive us nuts. It’s time to buy one of those adorable girl carseats you showed us not along ago. I will continue to pray…hope you feel all the hugs and love and postive energy being sent your way. XX
Definitely focus on the good – look at how the news has changed in such a short time. Continuing to send love and good vibes your way…x
This made me cry a tear of joy…been praying for you and the little one so much, God answered;) I will continue to give ya both a shout out to the powers that be.
I’m so glad things are better! But I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh sweetie, yes…yes positive facts. I’ve been out of the loop for awhile and didn’t want to ask but have been sendin’ up prayers for you both. Nobody knows the future an God can touch in a most miraculous way. Good for you on focusing on the positive…eliminate the negative….(sorry burst out in song just a minute there) I really need to work on my self control! Heeehehehe :o)
Ya’ll have the most beautifully blessed day sweetie!!!
i’m sure everything will be ok…have faith
You and your baby are loved so much by so many.
I’m happy everything is coming together beautifully. Please keep us posted. X’s and O’s.
Love your attitude, friend! Nothing but blue skies from now on!!
This is such good news. I am so happy that things are going in the right direction for you.
continued love and prayers and a big Canadian hug.
Good news! I’m happy for you…Don’t think too much, just enjoy every day…
That is GREAT news!! Yaaay!!
You’re awesome…but you already know that.
Big big big hugs!
B xx
That is GREAT news!! Yaaay!!
You’re awesome…but you already know that.
Big big big hugs!
B xx
Oh what a relief!! I’m so happy that things are looking up. I think I wrote you about the fact that they had told me something similar when I was pregnant with Nino. Turns out several people I know have been worried during their pregnancy because of things seen in the ultrasound re: the baby’s kidneys. I wonder if kidneys are just hard to see? Here’s hoping and praying that all complications were just a mistake and everything is perfect. I love you!
You are so right to focus on the good – understand that you may face challenges, but don’t allow them to stress you out before they actually happen.
I think that is like ANY birth. Anything CAN go wrong…but if we dwell on that there ain’t no mama’s having any babies!
I think that the news is good and it is reassuring to think that even if your baby is born with problems it sounds like they are resolvable. Take Care x
Again wonderful news!! Yes, you can never know the future but you know the NOW. Now you have wonderful news 🙂 Again you, littlest girl & your whole family are in my prayers.
I love your attitude!! It makes no sense to go off the deep end when you keep getting better news with each visit. Today the kidney is seen on the wrong spot. Tomorrow, it may shift? (It doesn’t hurt to think that way.) Staying focussed on the now, is more important for your health as well as for your baby’s. Thank goodness we live in modern times.
Gracias, Amiga.
I am excited for even more good news!!
The present is the perfect place to be. Actually, its the only place until someone invents time travel! Yea, for the positive!
you have the right thinking attitude.
I was scanning the comments and this stupid idea popped into my head. It’s a mystery where they come from. You low fluid problem is that like the low oil light on a car?
all the best.
Yes, absolutely focus on the good things!
It seems that the negatives are all fading as time moves on. Some things are just meant to be!
Never deny the power of positive thinking!
keep that outlook – stress is not good for either one of you. When one of my friends was pregnant she got some bad news and then the doctor wanted to do more testing and she said there was no need and she’d rather not know…the baby ended up being better than fine with no health issues. And in the meantime it almost sent my friend into panic mode.
AHHHH! I’ve been out of the loop lately and didn’t even know you were pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I hope all that blah blah blah soon goes away and you can focus on all the greatness that your new baby will bring. Definitely thinking of you and your family!!!! ((hugs))
I have you in my prayers. I hope that all turns out well. My baby sister had to have surgery right after birth, I know a few babies that have, and they are all thriving. It’s scary, but I’m hoping and praying that it will all turn out well for you.
Glad to hear the fluids are in the normal range. One thing to tackle at a time.
Thanks for the update!
Glad for the good news. Will be thinking good thoughts for you!
Yay for encouraging news <3 Keep focusing on the positive, honey.
Yes! The prayers are working. A little more every single day! So glad things are looking up! HUGS!!!
Low normal is normal so that is HUGE. I applaud you for embracing the positive. I know that it has been hard to hope but I haven’t stopped hoping for you and your baby. Hope is life. You remain in my heart. Blah, blah, blah.
…hang in there…and remember to always ‘Believe’! Sending Hugs!
yippee! I will continue my good thoughts and prayers for you all!
I think you are doing the exact right thing, focusing on the positive. You and baby have sure come a long way since your first post about the possible awful news. Thinking of you.
A little girl!?!?! Seriously!!! I need the color you want and your address. I have crochet hook in hand and am ready to rumble! WooHoo, Put Pie v2!!
God bless you and your baby girl; may he keep you both safe in the palm of his hand.