My husband turned 42 years old this week. In honor of this momentous occasion please allow me to share a few great things about my husband.
42 Great Things About My Husband:
- His dimples – they’re adorable
- The sound of his laughter as it travels through the house when he’s watching something on TV that cracks him up and I’m in a different room
- The way he plays with our kids
- The way he giggles when I make fun of something he did and he is embarrassed, it’s like he turns into a little boy
- How kind he is to everyone
- How he brings me coffee in bed on weekend mornings
- That he takes out the trash
- How he’ll call places to get our bills reduced so that I don’t have to because it gives me anxiety
- How his cooking literally gives us LIFE
- How he snuggles and turns with me when we sleep
- His voice, it’s soothing
- The way he looks when he’s on a skateboard
- The way he smells
- His beautiful broad shoulders
- His sense of style and the way he dresses
- His passion for horticulture
- The way he’s always on a quest to learn more about plants
- That he loves to go for walks
- His generosity
- How he gets up early to make our girls’ lunches for school
- That he’s always supportive of my creative endeavors
- How he sings along to his favorite songs
- The way he dances at home when it’s just us
- The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles
- How when he finds a show that he thinks I’ll like, he holds off on watching it so we can watch it together
- How he’s always buying us presents
- That he cares about the world
- That he’s open to growth and always learning
- His feet – they are ridiculously and inexplicably soft
- How attentive he is when it comes to things that happen between us that are none of your business
- He’s a great friend, the kind of friend anyone would be lucky to have
- There isn’t an ounce of pretense in him
- How he LOVES to watch cooking shows
- How watching cooking shows so often ends up in him making something delicious
- The way he draws faces, they’re always asymmetrical
- That he always carries a pen in his pants
- The way he gets excited about finding a good pen
- The way he’s aging
- That he’s nice but you shouldn’t mess with him because he ain’t that nice
- How he gets in bed at night and says he isn’t sleepy then falls asleep 5 minutes later
- That he can be incredibly silly
- That I get to go through life with him by my side
Happy birthday to my husband!
San Francisco, CA
ALSO READ: Wait, Did I Just Tell My Husband I’m Checking Out Other Guys?!
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That list is so awesome! No wonder you’re in love with him. Happy Birthday to your better half!!!