This year on October 15-16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Half Moon Bay Art and Pumpkin Festival celebrates its 46th anniversary. This was our first year attending. Admission to the festival is free. We got there early because I have one of those husbands that HAS to get to everything early to avoid the crowds and leave before everyone else is trying to leave. I’m not complaining, it does make for a pleasant experience once I get over having to wake up early on a weekend.
Oh, and you see that last picture? That’s my buddy Jack O’Lantern. We went to high school together and I ran into him at the festival.
Half Moon Bay Art and Pumpkin Festival
For festival info, call: (650) 726-9652
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ALSO READ: Keep Your Hands off My Maracas
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I like being early as well! This looked like fun. Your buddy hasn’t aged as well as you!
Looks like that was a fun time!
Love those pumpkin faces