I can’t sleep because…
- my feet are cold so I have to get up to put on socks
- I have to pee
- I can’t remember if I paid my credit card bill
- I think I wrote “your” instead of “you’re” or “it’s” instead of “its” or “they’re” instead of “their” in my blog post and I don’t want Tammy or ck to think I’m an idiot so I better go fix it or they might never want to read my blog again
- I lost a “follower” and I don’t know whom I lost or why. Wait, is it who or whom? Damn! Maybe that’s why I lost them because I don’t know the difference and it’s obvious I’m an idiot and who (or whom although I’m pretty sure its it’s who this time) would want to follow an idiot? What’s more, I’m irritated that I even care because no one is obligated to follow me and I should just be fine with it, but all of a sudden I feel like the awkward, too tall, pimply, insecure middle schooler that I carry around inside of me just for kicks.
- my feet are hot so I have to take off my socks
- I have to pee…again
- My daughter is going to wake up any minute and …z…huh?…
- ..ugh!..I was finally falling asleep and now she’s crying. Even if I ask Unknown Papi to go in, it’s pointless because she won’t stop crying until she gets me and I might as well go in because I can’t sleep through her hollering or UP asking her why she won’t calm down with him
- She’s asleep again, but now I’m wide awake and it’s almost time to get up, I might as well get up and read some blogs do some work
ALSO READ: 17 #BeforeFacebookI Tweets That Perfectly Describe Life Before Facebook
What kinds of ridiculous things keep you up at night?
LOL, the your/you're, its/it's, their/they're who/whom is SO me as well. No surprise there though, right Gemela? 😉
You can find me up and about because when I can't sleep I just lay there thinking of all I could accomplish. So I get up and get'er done! Loved the post and enjoyed the read.
Have the best day!!!
I know winter is coming because last night was the first night my feet got cold. It's funny because I needed to put on socks before I could fall back to sleep.
Sorry about losing a follower (I swear it wasn't me), but I know how you feel.
I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.
I'm proud to be able to fall back to sleep easily. But like everyone I've had sleepless nights during stressful events of my life. I'm not a morning person, so I'd rather stay up than wake up.
Oh that urge to pee – reminds me of those ads on TV with the guys running to the restroom all the time – that would BE annoying
with the garbage text messages growing by the minute, any young kid reading this will not have clue what you are writing about. Do they even teach spelling anymore?
you so funny!! I love you and I won't leave!
Yeah, I need to hold off on the beverages after 9pm or I'm in the potty all night long. And I won't even bother with how much I still get up with my four year old…
Aww, you're sweet!
Once you are mom you never sleep again
For cripes sake..you can call me at just about any given hour at night and I will be awake, at least until about an hour before I HAVE to get up, then I slip into a coma and my alarm goes off.
Oh, and I have discovered that we all are the awkward, too tall, pimply, insecure middle schoolers inside. It never goes away.
Very funny!!!
I lost a follower too, which is so frustrating. Then I was unfriended on facebook, which really bothers me. I must be a terrible person.
You are so not a terrible person!
Ugh, you mean I have to worry about getting un-friended on FB? Great, one more thing to keep me up at night.
I have lost followers and have lost “some” sleep before my son told me that on the internet, you have to have thick skin and not be too sensitive.
I have wondered about my grammar, can I mix present tense with past tense as I write like I'm speaking, and have lost “some” sleep over that too.
Oh well..
Oh the things that keep us up at night…for me it's my school work and my snoring roommate (don't tell her I told you that, or she will kill me…in my sleep). Oh and I lost TWO followers recently! Coincidentally they were replaced by two new ones…but still, the rejection! Hahahaha….
Aw, I'm a grammar Nazi? Is it because I joined the “I Judge You When You Use Bad Grammar” group on facebook? Is it because I requested the “Eats, Shoots and Leaves” page a day calendar for Christmas? Because, seriously, I ought to lay off of that stuff! I'm gonna slip up and folks will have my judgmental ass for lunch with a big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer…
I lost my first follower recently and it sucked hard. I knew I shouldn't be upset – but I was. I knew there might have been a logical reason for it – but it didn't matter. Rejection is hard.
I will never reject you. There are no grammar restrictions – my bloggy love is unconditional. 🙂
Hey Ms. Unknown! I feel your pain! I know all the rules, I despair when I see other people doing them wrong, yet STILL I do them wrong myself occasionally, usually when I'm typing on autopilot. And I hate it when I do! It would of course be totally ironic if I'd done it in the past few sentences, so I'll go back and check this five times before clicking POST. Mind you, I somehow hit the semi colon every time I mean to hit the apostrophe, and sometimes I type entirely the wrong word, like “the” when I mean “and”, which makes no bloody sense and makes me worry about the state of my marbles! Indigo
anyone who leaves your blog is just plain crazy…u rock! Relax, go take a nap;)
LOL! Don't worry about me catching your mistakes. I'm too sleep deprived to notice!
Its a shame when their are no ear plugs for you're screaming baby. Being tired is sooo draining no matter whom you are.
Okay, I'm tired too. That's the best I could do.
Your post cracked me up. Hope you get some sleep soon 🙂
I hate those nights, too!
Wait we are supposed to be sleeping? Darn it, I knew I missing out on something. And the whole hot/cold thing is a vicious cycle.
sounds like a night at my house
Great post – so true!
I hate nights where I can't stop thinking or get comfortable!
PS. That dream you had is so wild! I'm going to tell my DD about it. =:o
I absolutely don't want anyone to follow because they feel like they have to or they are somehow stuck with me, but it does sting a little. I gotta be me and you gotta be you.
I heart you, too.
I lost two follwers in ONE Day last month. It bugged me for days. What had I said or done? Even worse, one of my original followers who had always said that she liked my blog unfollowed. Eeee Ghads. I have since tried to not take it personally. I once followed way too many blogs and couldnt keep up so I unfollowed a few that I hadn't visited in a long time and hoped that they wouldn't take it personally knowing that they might. So when I now get unfollowed I just say too myself that they had too many blogs to follow.
LOL. I love your lists. 🙂
Ahh, the joys of being a female and a mother. Hope you sleep better tonight!
I did this one as well, I have it set to post after midnight but we had a few reasons in common. Namely the peeing and the cold feet, haha
Hello! I lost a follower too. But then I found out that person's blog doesn't exist anymore, so its nothing personal. That person just quit blogging, I guess. Last time I lost a follower, it was because that person decided to make their blog private. I got an invite to join so I felt better.
Are you sleeping better? 🙂
Rofl…I do this!! All of this!! I heart you Unknown Mami…and I'm glad you still heart me!! I did lose 1 follower today….and that breaks my heart. I wouldn't expect them to keep following if they no longer wanted to read though…right?!
That is funny! I love your great sense of humor!
hugs hugs
PLUS:That is so me!
So true on how that losing a follower all of a sudden makes you feel like that awkward kid with stuff in their braces.
I HATE that I always realize later that I meant to say their and not there.
hahah lovely! my babe is doing the same wont sleep or stop crying unless its me who sooths him down!
The lost follower thing drives me crazy! It's not like I can ever know who or why or when or where, but I go insane combing through the little button trying to figure out who is gone. And then I sit and reflect on all my posts to try to guess which one was THE one. The one that made someone actually go to the special unfollow section of the blog (I don't even know the process b/c I'd never unfollow someone). I've tried to relax on this a bit since someone told me it could be something about people following too many people and yada, yada, yada. Whatever I'm not convinced.
Don't you hate it when your inner thermostat is broken? I'm either freezing or throwing off all the covers in bed.
Cracking me up because that would be my exact list if I wrote one! Glad to know I'm not the only one! 🙂
This disqus thing keeps emailing me every comment even though I took my name off the subscribe list. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
Hope we get to sleep tonight…
Oh it is pain if i can't sleep. All thoughts runs in my mind and make me crazy.I hate those night too. Last a few days I had no computer. Also this made me upset too and I didn't sleep well last night. Finally, my pc is back:)
Love this post!
I am so glad that I am not the only one who thinks this way! LOL!
Sounds like a rough night! Hope you next night is better. Maybe one sock on and one sock off, hmmm.
So you're neurotic like me! I spend all day re-reading my post and correcting my spelling errors. I am obsessed!!!
Stopping by from Mama Kat's
I love the running dialog that goes through your head.
I too lost a follower the other week and can't for the life of me figure out who it was. Maybe their blog got black listed.
Thanks for sharing,
Were you hanging out in my room last night, cuz you just described my evening pretty much to a tee, except swap the daughter for a son. ah ha
What compels us to obsess?
Dona Nobis Pacem & Thursday Thirteen
Mami, I hurt when I see such talented people worrying over one or two followers. This is the great advantage of being able to count my followers on one hand, and I do mean that.
But — Discus is a mean little bitch, counting how many people like my comments. (And no one does). It's also given me 1 point — now I shall worry that one day I'll post a comment and the point will be gone.
Why is that every mommy I know has problems sleeping? Dads do not seem to have this issue…hmmmmm.
okay, i'm just kidding here. i don't want to scare anyone away from Discus — everyone ought to sign up. it's fast and easy and that way Mami can see your pretty faces 🙂
Wow, yeah I lost a follower too! It's weird, you feel like someone lost interest in you:( I love the way you wrote and …..z…huh?…ugh Totally cracked up right there!!!
Ms. Wanda
Some of the same things go through my mind. I don't know why but sometimes a follower just disappears. It's happened to me even though they were all still there. Sometimes the counter is messed up or something. I am over sensitive about typos. Too or to, their or they're?? I should go do some work too! Love ya! Hugs!!
i can totally relate!
That sounds exactly like my night!
I lost a follower too. I can't deal with it. i feel rejected.
LOL…I love socks…I get cold too
You pee too much… get a pregnancy test.
I will lay in bed for hours thinking about how cold my feet are, but won't take the 2 minutes to get up and put my socks on! lol!
I lost a follower too…a very dear bloggy friend shared with me a while back that when you lose one, you will end up gaining two new ones!
Not remembering if you paid your CC bill is one thing that gets me and I failed a month or so ago and dang it, missed the payment. The CC company very nicely raised my interest rate to 29.99%. ahhhh So sometimes it's worth it to get up and take a look because I didn't.
I've been known to sign up twice to follow a blog and when I realize my mistake, months later, I unsub. I often wonder if they notice. lol
So when you leave a comment there is a little toggle that says “subscribe to all comments” you can hit the arrow and switch it to “do not…”, but if you don't you will get an email like this:
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I feel for you but I had to laugh with you. My feet are cold and I have to pee. Take care.
Love it!
Visiting you from SITS–have a great day!
Those are the nights when I stare at my alarm clock and watch the minutes tick by that I'm not sleeping and hear every noise coming from my daughters' rooms and really want to eat but don't move for fear that I miss the moment of sleep that I pray is sneaking up on me…
…and then wind up going downstairs to eat something sweet or salty and catch up on blogs too!
PS: I'm a big fan of your blog, Unknown Mami. It would take more than misspellings (that I'd never notice anyway) to make me stop reading!
Is that not the worst feeling? You already can't sleep because you can't shut your brain off, but then you're cold, but you can't make yourself get up to put on socks because, well, it's cold. Finally, you get the damn socks, get back in bed, get warm… then you have to pee.
I feel your pain and I wish you a clear mind, warm feet and an empty bladder.
I'd follow you twice if I could… 😉
I have those sleepless nights sometimes, too – and when Princess Nagger was an infant, it was a moot point to have hubby go take care of her, because I'd never be able to fall asleep until I knew she was content. 🙂
I seriously lose and gain followers every single day. So weird!
Oh, I hope the you fell asleep after reading those 66 comments…make that 67.
I wish more people would lose sleep over using you're vs your and they're vs their. These are very important things!!!
I hate waking up to have to go pee before my alarm goes off. It's so frustrating! Can't my bladder sleep too???
i feel your pain and am HEAR with you even when I am not fortunate enough to read your latest entries.
disqus idiot magda