Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week and what they inspired me to say.
Carma Sez saw a guy at one of her dance recitals that is taking belly dancing classes. One of the mom’s of the other dancers was rolling her eyes when he performed and tried to include Carma Sez in the derisiveness, but Carma wasn’t having any of it. Later Carma saw the guy’s mother proudly announcing that she was the mother of “The boy”.
I’m proud of that woman’s son too! And I’m proud of you for being supportive. You are my kind of people. I love people who challenge the norms and themselves. They should be applauded, not ridiculed. Someone’s gotta be a trail blazer.
Sassy Chica has a choice to make and is torn. My advice…
Just because you have a choice to make does not mean one option is right and the other is wrong. They are just two different possibilities. Go with your gut and do not worry about being right of wrong.
I was at i forgot what I was doing looking at pictures of decorative ceramic roosters and was assured that the author only has a few and tries not to go crazy with them…
I think it’s good that you try not to go crazy with the cocks. You wouldn’t want too many cocks around. I mean roosters.
Mama Zen posted an inspirational quote about having a vivid imagination. Do you ever read things so fast, you read them wrong?
I don’t see what the point in having a livid imagination is. There is already too much anger in the world. Oh wait, I read that wrong. Vivid. Vivid imagination is much better than a livid imagination. The problem is I’ve met lots of people with livid imaginations.
Cheeseboy got his nose hairs waxed?! WTH?! So much hair came out he thinks he heard someone ask if he had a cat up there…
AHHHHHHHHH! I’m screaming right now. Are you insane? Next time leave the kitty in your nose or do you have something against pussies?
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love!

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