Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week and what they inspired me to say.
This episode is very brief as I have been quite busy and haven’t been able to get my comment on.
While visiting my buddy Steven over at Life in the Fish Bowl, he reminded me to live in the now. This seems to be a recurring lesson in my life at the moment, which prompted me to share:
I recently had a conversation with my stepfather and I was being very tentative about a certain something that is causing me joy right now because what if it goes away? He said, “It’s a gift, nothing is guaranteed. Enjoy the gift while you have it.”
Brainella shared a winking incident and subsequent conversation. She reminded me of my past as a “winker”.
I used to wink a lot. It got me into trouble. I was waiting tables and I asked a man if he would like some dessert and then I winked. He misinterpreted my intentions.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love!
You devil, you! Offering the man dessert…”wink, wink”
And he didn't even leave me a good tip!
Ugh! Can't get you in my reader! XOXO
I'm sorry, you might have to resubscribe. I tried to do it right, but some people aren't getting me while others are. And you so get me.
I love this post!!
Yay! Thank you.
Visit me at: http://www.unknownmami.com.
Thank you! I'll be by your place momentarily.
can definitely be easy to misunderstand the intention behind a wink!
Yay! I'm so glad you can see me again! You know that's what kept me from doing it for so long was the fear of losing readers in the move, but I'm glad I did it.
After I saw how fabulous your blog was looking, I figured I'd be in good company if I took the leap.
I've never mastered the wink. I just look like I have something in my eye.
it's always the winks that get us into trouble, isn't it? Found you over on Eva's blog and now following! Eager to come back and explore your place! : )
MAMI! I can finally get to your site at work again! YAY! I'm so glad you made the move!
I get so carried away with my comments sometimes that I eventually delete and start over or not leave one at all. I am comment challenged most of the time.
I knew I noticed something different on your blog! my feed went right to this one so it works for me!
wink wink 😉
The wink didn't even get you a good tip? Sheesh. But I will say, that winker made my day. 🙂
Your story reminded me of a time right after giving birth when I was at the mall feeling very unattractive and a very dapper,much older gentleman walked by and said something along the lines of, “lookin' good”. That man made my day. He was not at all creepy about it and I really needed the compliment.
It's the little things in life… 🙂
Yay! I am here! Must go catch up. I've missed 7 days! Do you know how long that is in Dollface years? Wait, don't answer that. – G
You made me laugh, Dollface.
I have never been the winker but I have been the winkee!!
Hey, welcome to WordPress! Have fun with all the plugins! 🙂
Wink wink. I now think of Palin whenever the topic of winking comes up… 😉
I love both of those for different reasons. Your stepfather is so wise – and I wish I could remember to enjoy my gifts while I have them. Too often, I don't want to lose them and then they're gone when I turn to them.
And the other one? I'm still snortiggling over here! (And yes, that is a word)
“Snortiggling” is an awesome word!
a winker – I can see you getting into trouble with that.
I couldn't help but think of the type of guy you DON'T want to give a wink to – a wanker. So don't wink a wanker.
Of course winking under a paper bag is a waste of a wink.
I'm a new follower and I love the idea of this post!, thanks for sharing, by the way, I read you via Google Friend connect, but maybe it's because I'm new and I did it after you switch.
Some people definitely misinterpret winks. Your stepfather knows what he is talking about, nothing is guaranteed.
I love posting a comment about your comments about other people's blogs. It feel surreal. 🙂
Wing, wing! It might get into trouble! I know *exactly* what you mean!!
Wishing you a great Tuesday!
~B xx
Ooops!… get you!
I'm gonna have to come back here more often to see if you are gonna reveal to us the thing that is bringing you joy. Wink. Wait, was that not an appropriate time to wink? I always feel wrong when I wink because then I too get confused. Like what did I mean by that wink? Where did that wink even come from? Who even winks? What is wrong with my winking self? I see how winking got you into trouble!
That is so cute!! WOuld you like dessert, Wink..
have fun in the game…
I did not see you wordpress.com link,
hopefully, you use that link to visit me next time…
That is such a wise thing your stepdad told you!!
I did not mean to forsake you, dear Mami. Really. I use a super long blog roll to see when people update, and when you switched over to the new site, I forgot to add it to my blog roll. So I was not getting updates. I have you added now, so no worries.
I should learn how to wink properly – I think people misunderstand my winking for a bad Elvis impersonation 🙂 Glad your new feed is showing up in my reader!! Oh, and I finally got your Sundays In My City to show up properly in my posts… I'm looking forward to my future posts!
I always figured that the winkers just had ill fitting contacts. {*wink*}
i think i am gonna try 'unfollowing' you.
i am following this new blog, but you STILL are not showing up in my reader. i have to hunt you down daily.
gonna lose a follower for a few mins…then i'll be back. will see if this works….
Okay, so that finally worked. Just re-joining this new blog wasn't working.
Then followed again.
All better now–no more hunting for Mami!
Thank you!!!
I think I might have thought you had a crush on me too if you offered me dessert with a wink, you sassy gal, you!!!! I actually can't wink. Or at least without serious effort. I could never make it look sexy anyway. It looks more like a twitch on me.
One more thing. I wanted to comment on your post above about your job, but the comment section won't come up. I wanted to say that I'm sorry about you losing your job, but that you are such a talented and intelligent person, I'm sure you will get something again real soon. I'll be sending lots of good vibes your way!!!! Hang in there!! xoxoxoxoo
I am a worrier by nature so I understand the fear of enjoying something in fear of losing it. I have gotten better but it is an eternal struggle for me. Good luck my friend. The advice is solid.