I’ll keep this intro short. My left eye is in pain again and my husband doesn’t think it’s a good idea for me to be on the computer too long. Below you will find comments I’ve left on blogs. These blogs inspired me to think, that thought turned into a comment, hence I comment therefore I am.
And away we go!
Apparently selling, buying, or ingesting “little silver balls” is illegal in California. I am a grown woman and I do not have the right to suck on little silver balls just because I live in California? I didn’t even know until Pumpkin Delight wrote a post about the ban of “little silver balls” for the “public good” in California. I am sick to death of discrimination! When will it end? The “little silver balls” are dragées and used to decorate cookies (sort of like sprinkles). Although I do not support discrimination of confectionery decorations, I am a law abiding citizen for the most part, so when Pumpkin Delight suggested she might find a way to circumvent the law I felt compelled to write:
I don’t think you should do it because if you do, I would have to hunt you down and start yelling, “Citizen’s Arrest! Citizen’s Arrest!” and honestly I’m very busy I just don’t have the time to chase you down.
I stopped by No excuse, No explanation and read about flan cake. Flan cake?! I love flan and I love cake, I never knew you could have them together. My reaction:
Flan cake! Get out of here!!! That sounds like a mythical creature like a unicorn. Flan and cake together sounds even better than Hall and Oates.
Keep in Touch With Mommakin brought up cashiers that don’t give you their full attention. The title of her post is brilliant, “Single-tasking in a Mulit-tasking World”. I could go on and on about the subject, but I wont. This is the short version of what I think:
I have worked customer service so much and I would never multi-task when helping a customer. I try to look people in the eye and give them my full attention. Multi-tasking is over-rated and just means you are shortchanging everything. Eat the orange! Be in the moment! Life is about being present always, said the woman watching TV while she blogs and spends time with her husband. I’m not perfect!
Mother’s have such an impact on us. Michelle from just eat it wrote about hers. My comment is convoluted and I’d like to correct tenses, but I will leave it in its original form.
You seem like a caring person to me so I can only believe that there is a whole lot of hurt going on and that your mother is indeed reaping what she sowed.I have a very complicated relationship with my mother. I love her and miss her when she’s not around, but there is a lot of anger and I don’t think it will ever go away.It came as no surprise to me that when I found out for sure that I was having a daughter, I started having panic attacks. I was terrified of having a daughter because although I know my mother never intentionally tried to screw me up, I am indeed screwed up. I do not want to screw up my beautiful child. I am choosing to believe that I won’t. I don’t want her to be like me, I want her to be the best her she can be.I hope that if my daughter ever chooses to have children and finds out that she will have a daughter that she is filled with joy because she knows first hand how wonderful it can be.
Are you addicted to technology? JennyMac is having a torrid affair and so am I. Witness:
I have an iphone and I’m ashamed to admit that I sleep next to it and sneak it under the covers to peak at it if my husband goes to the bathroom. What is wrong with me? I’m sick.
Single Guy posted on Martinis or Diaper-Genies that he does not particularly like to date women that own cats. My response:
You shouldn’t date women if you don’t like pussies. I’m just sayin’…
TechnoBabe referenced an article in Psychology Today about intimate relationships online. My relationships with all y’all are not of a “Biblical” nature, but the post mention that internet use is “almost” addictive. The thing is I’m not almost addicted, I’m totally addicted, which is why I wrote:
I don’t engage in deceptive online behavior, but I have to say I think that it is addictive. I think about it far too much and really need to be more “present” when I’m offline.
And on that note, I better go and be present in real life or my husband is going to lecture me about my eye.
Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post. Then link up! Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments.
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