Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. And we’re off…
Matty asked if he is the only husband that gets accused of not listening. Not likely…
When I accuse my husband of not listening to me, he tells me that he can only listen to one thing at a time and he just happened to be listening to something else.
On a recent post at a few clowns short lisleman asked in reference to aging, “So is there a double standard or do women just create the problem themselves?” Well, I have plenty to say on the subject, but I started off with just…
There is a double standard and for the most part women have not been in a position to create the standard just deal with it.
lisleman likes a good back and forth, so he responded:
I don’t know about the creation of it but would you agree that women help keep it going? I’m talking about this aging double standard not the other double standards of which I can think of two others.
Here’s what I wrote back:
I agree that women suffer from it and take it more to heart. I do not agree that women necessarily keep it going more. I feel that smacks a bit of “blame the victim”. To me that would be like saying that many of the stereotypes in America are kept alive by the people being stereotyped. A lot of insecurities are internalized or developed without question. If you don’t see who you are or what you are becoming portrayed in a positive light, it takes a person of a singularly reflective and strong sense of self not to fall prey to stereotypes.
The media does not portray older women as an ideal to strive for. For the most part they are left out of the picture or relegated to being grandmothers. The media is still largely controlled by men, therefore those images are still mostly being put out by men and their outlooks. When women of all ages have more access and power to represent themselves I am willing to bet that you will see older women being represented in a more positive and attractive light.
There is also much money to be made by making women strive for eternal youth. Some companies build their fortunes on it. Men are not as susceptible to it yet, but slowly that market is growing. Many young men today are starting to buy into the anti-aging, youth is where it’s at b.s. Some older men buy into it too, just take a look at Kenny Rogers.
I could go on and on about this, but you get the gist.
He ended the discussion with…
Thanks, I do get your gist and point. Hope you are right about one point and wrong about another. More women having more access and power would be a good thing in general. More men buying into the youthfulness BS would be bad.
thanks for taking time to explain.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
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wow we are really aligned on the comment thing today. Thanks for this posting and yes I do enjoy a good back and forth. It’s easier than a debate club because you don’t need to get all dressed up. thanks for you comment and this feature.
Interesting conversation. Looks like one thing led to another doubling the size of your standard double standard post. I wasn’t sure if I was confused or doubly confused. Maybe I should have listened better.
Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
Don’t ask it just popped into my head, but I think some of the words fit (something).
Women do NOT start that double standard. So there. And there is one. Which sucks donkey balls.
Hey. How did your audition go? Have you gone yet?
“it takes a person of a singularly reflective and strong sense of self not to fall prey to stereotypes”…..You are so spot on with that statement, Mami. As an (sputter, sputter) older woman, I strive to find my identity from within myself. If I let the outside world define me, I would find it a struggle to be content. I think it serves us well at any age not to let others tell us who we are or should be.
Oh your husband has a quick wit, doesn’t he? Mine has the gall to try to deny it!
I love this! You’re such a smart cookie. =)
Based on the responses, I got the impression from women that I’m far from being the only man who needs improvement on his listening skills. Thank goodness.
While I do accuse my husband of not listening to me I am probabally more guilty of it then him. I don’t really buy into all the anit aging stuff out there because it is not only expensive I have yet to see anyone with results making it worth buying. I don’t think woman are the one’s that keep this going…I think it’s the media and people in general that keep it going…just think what would happen to this billion dollar industry if we all stepped back and said “hell no”?
Happy Monday…did you have the audition yet? XX
My husband is a terrific listener – when he has the time to listen that is! His attention is often diverted. You can imagine the misunderstandings!!!
I love a good two way comment discussion too. it’s the best! My brother Ramana (rummuser.com), unfortunately ill with a slipped disc is great at that. I look forward to his return to blogging. I loved this conversation between you and the man from Lisle, Illinois. It is true, a lot of money is made from women trying to buy back their youth.
Psst! Want the secret of eternal youth? For free? Mix a teapoon of pure honey with a teaspoon of fresh, natural yoghurt. Some people call it curd. Apply it on your face daily for half an hour. You will be young forever!
Hello, hello… I was thinking about how sometimes is not about beauty or thinness but confidence. Men love confident women, or that is what I am starting to believe.
You got an award from me :).
Yep, my husband is pretty much listening to me 50% of the time but lucky for me I have hearing loss at the lower decibels and only hear him about 50% of the time as well. I think this may be the secret to our marriage! 😉
Very well said, Mami, I’m impressed!!
Will looking younger get you more respect at work? No, quite possibly less, though.
Will it get you better health? No. A longer life? Nope.
Real strong women want to radiate the gratitude, kindness, and intuition that we are so blessed with.
Wrinkles don’t deny us any of that.
Big hugs!
B xx
simply put: it is scary getting older in our country. As someone who is approaching the dreaded “middle age” – I feel it more and more every day. When girls in their early 20’s are getting botox – there’s something wrong there..
I am 52, fat and generally happy. The media can suck lemons. They don’t get to tell me who I am.