Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am. Last week I wrote a post called, I think… where I shared a few things that I think and then I asked you what you think. This post is composed of a few of the comments left on that post about what you thunk.
Tina wrote…
I think that kids should be treated like kids and not mini adults.
I think that I can’t stop buying crap with sequins and glitter on it.
I think that being sick and coming to work was crazy.
purejoy wrote…
i think there should be a law against how many coupons you get to redeem at walmart on saturdays during christmas… i’m just sayin’…
i think they should make brastraps that stay up. {and hidden}
i think braille on the drive up ATMs is weird and unnecessary.
i agree wholeheartedly about cable. not fair. at. all.
i think you’re pretty awesome! (Aww…)
Donda wrote…
I think there should be no light in the dressing rooms!
Honeypiehorse wrote…
I think Last Christmas by George Michael should be abolished.
When did I become my Mom wrote…
I think you’re awesome. (okay, so maybe I favor comments that say I’m awesome)
I think more grown ups should believe in Santa Claus.
I think laughter = food for the soul.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
I think these are fantastic. Thanks for the laugh this morning!
You got some great comments! 🙂
I can get behind the bra strap comment. Not that I wear a bra very much anymore. Sometimes I love getting old.
hahahaha “do you give good comment?”
practically spit diet coke all over my computer. hi-larious!
i think alot of other things, too, but most of those are not too christmasy and make me sound like an ubergrinch. so in the words of my dearly departed mamma… if you can’t say anything nice, just sit there, with your mouth closed and smile… it’ll make people what’s going on in there! ha!
Your post is a delight to read!!
Thank you!
B xx
I think I love every comment that I read here today! (especially the Last Christmas song abolishment…seriously…)
I love the I thinks! Especially the no light in the dressing room one!
Missed you girl!!!! xoxoxo!
I think I made a spelling error? EEEK!
I also think I am sending you some peanut butter balls for being so fabulous to me in bloggy land.
How are you feeling?
These are some great ones!!
thanks for the collection of these – I couldn’t agree more that laughter = food for the comedian
lighten up everyone
I so agree with Honey Pie Horse!! I hate that song!
Thanks for the laughs!
I think I actually snorted with laughter at the comment about the George Michael Christmas song! I wholeheartedly agree…but it’s so catchy!
However, I can’t listen to one of Mariah Carey’s Christmas songs without laughing every. single. time. Something about Mariah Carey singing “ho ho ho” with a hip-hop beat just DOESN’T put me in the Christmas spirit!
Really posting outside the usual box here, Mami. Came for your comments and got others. Nice twist.
Those are some great thoughts!And I agree with purejoy on all counts!
You have a brilliant readership. While we’re banning Christmas carols, could we abolish Holly Jolly Christmas.
I have been catching up with your posts. Sending lots of love and wishes of peace to you, friend.
I think people should refrain from making comments unless they have something positive to say. I think that there should be a law against judging others. I think that People should listen more and talk less.
I think you’re a great blogging friend.
I think this is a great idea. I think my dog thinks I’ve lost my mind because of the laughter.
How did I miss this post? I have a lot of things I think. Because, you know, I’m just a LITTLE bit opinionated.
But bra straps? I seriously think I’m just built wrong. They drive me nuts constantly. Great thoughts from all you shared 🙂
I smiled all through the comments. Ya picked some winners, Mami.
I second the dark dressing rooms and treating kids like kids, not mini-adults. And I really second the fact that I think you are AWESOME!! You are! xoxoxo