Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. I am still blogging lite, so today I am only sharing one comment. I’m 34 weeks pregnant, tired, and have a toddler; it cuts into my blogging time.
Marla strikes me as the kind of person that can make just about any situation fun as long as she is around. Apparently, at her house they play UNO using a Whoopee Cushion. Don’t ask me how, I have been known to get my UNO on, but never with a Whoopee Cushion. I shared an UNO story of my own with her…
Once we were at home playing UNO with friends, it was not late. I guess we got too loud and the cops were called. The police officer asked if we were having a party and when my husband said, “No we are just playing UNO” the officer had to stifle a laugh before asking us to keep in down for the neighbors.
Have you ever had the cops called on you for playing a family friendly game?
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
Actually we have had the police called on us for a wild domino game we were having. Apparently the drug dealers across the street were upset that we had more traffic at our house than they did. Gosh it is a shame that good clean fun can be so addictive!
Never in my life would I have thought Uno could get out of hand!
Was it tag-team UNO or something?
No cops at the Monkey house….not for family games anyway. Ever tried Apples to Apples? It’s our latest game.
I don’t think I’ve ever had the cops called on me but I’ve been the old geezer calling the cops!
Wow you are a party animal….too funny!
oh rats, i already blogged today, but yes, we have had the neighbors complain before. the game our family loves is spoons. the goal is to have a spoon at the end of each round, the first person with 4 of a kind grabs a spoon first…. the fur flies, the chairs fly, the spoons fly, and people fly trying to grab a spoon. it is hilarious!!! furniture does not always survive our spoons games… but it is a great memory!!
I can imagine the cops being called on me for ANY game I play. I mean, most of my family won’t play with me at all anymore. Or my husband. So if we go to a dinner party and bring a game, nobody will play with us…unless we are split up. I think cuz we’re that awesome.
I don’t know about giving good comment. I try but many times fall flat on my face. So instead of trying to be witty, let me just take this moment to wish you a Happy New Year!
Uno games always got rowled up in my household growing up, but not to the point of cop-calling 🙂 I guess you’re the lucky one – that would’ve been priceless to see him laugh.
Dang it – I was accidently logged in with my hubby’s blog account – LOL! I hate when that happens!
Uno games always got rowled up in my household growing up, but not to the point of cop-calling 🙂 I guess you’re the lucky one – that would’ve been priceless to see him laugh.
My Mom is all about UNO these days….she likes to remind me how old the game of UNO is and how I am almost as old as it is! Gee, thanks mom!
My Mom is all about UNO these days….she likes to remind me how old the game of UNO is and how I am almost as old as it is! Gee, thanks mom!
Happy New Year Unknown Mami and yours. With love. xxx
A blog based on comments? Brilliant. Glad I found you.
One comment is quite enough sometimes. As a blogger you really outdo yourself with all the claims on your time. That was a good comment.
I’m a little late posting my comment post this week for reasons which are explained in the post!
I love family games…and I think you are the best in giving good comments.
Just a statement.
B xx
Playing games with the kids was problem when we lived in a condo on the second floor. The people downstairs would go nuts with the noise. We had the police show up for a monopoly game once – they couldn’t stay and play.
uhm when my daughter ( now 21) was 12 we had moved to a lovely gated upscale community in Florida. My daughter had just joined choir at her new school. As she showered she sang some version of Phantom of the Opera via murdered wet cat or something anyway we all sat downstairs laughing by the pool. Until the cops came, on a complaint of domestic disturbance. My poor daughter was crushed to find out the neighbors and cops thought her singing was some sort of family brawl that she dropped choir. She’s now a psychologist ( which I am thinking will pay more than her singing career would have) so thank you neighbor !
Oh I totally feel you, blogging with kids is not easy! Hope all is going well. 🙂
Ah, thanks for the shout out, Mami. I appreciate you.
As for the cops being called, well yeah. Our parties tend to get out of hand with lots of noise. We finally found the perfect solution. We now invite the entire neighborhood. Even the local cops and volunteer firemen have stopped in for food. My father taught me well. 🙂