Comment much? I do and on Mondays I turn my comments into a post. That’s right! Why should I come up with an entirely original post when I can just cobble one together from comments I’ve left on other blogs? I insist that my commenting is akin to contemplating my existence. I comment, therefore I am.
So here are little tid bits of me that prove I exist:
At Suburb Sanity I read about superpowers. Have you ever considered what superpower you would want? I have:
I’ve always wanted my superpower to be the ability to make others laugh at any given moment.
What did you do on New Year’s Eve? Being over 40 Wizard of Otin does not particularly like watching balls drop. Honestly, who likes watching balls descend? Not me:
I don’t enjoy watching balls drop on New Years, but I do enjoy snacking on a salty nut sack washed down with some sparkling wine. Pistachios are my favorite.
Little Ms. Blogger’s husband came up with an idea that apparently does not exist yet. A penis calendar. Not just plain old penises, but penises in costume. One might even be dressed as Cinderella. My reaction:
Really, I’m shocked that this doesn’t already exist. Not that I would want one, but I’m sure there would be quite a market for it in San Francisco where many men think outside the box. I hope your husband realizes that this will probably only be a huge hit in the gay community. I could be wrong, but I don’t know too many women that would want fancy dress cocks on their wall.
Green-Eyed Momster ended up with free chicken due to a cashier’s incompetence. When she got home and noticed, she decided to keep it. She asked if I would have gone back to the store to pay. Uh…
Nope! I was at Ross once and the cashier did not ring up some underwear that I was buying. I told her and she laughed and then proceeded not to ring it up again. I couldn’t seem to make her understand that she hadn’t charged me for everything. I gave up and left with free underwear. I walked a block and a bird shit on me. I figure that the Universe was taking it out in trade.
On A Little Blog About Nothing I shared what I would like for 2010:
I’d like to be able to fart loudly in fancy restaurants and have everyone clap. Not really, but it wouldn’t suck to be able to afford fancy restaurants.
Do you know magda from I’m just sayin’…? No!? Well, you better get over there and meet her. She is smart, irreverent, drops f-bombs and I like her. Anyway she was lamenting the upcoming end of diaper use and was reminded that her heart ached when she stopped breastfeeding as well.Which makes me wonder…
I’m still breastfeeding my daughter and she is 16 months. The hilarious part is that I said I would only do it for 6 months. Oh, and I never produced enough milk to breastfeed her exclusively. How the heck am I going to ween myself?
That’s it for this installment.
Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love!

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