When I was little I lived in a house that was haunted. Wait, don’t go! I know, I know, this subject is tired. The thing is I don’t even believe in ghosts. At least that is what I tell myself now, but back then I’m telling you that house was haunted.
We moved there when I was in first grade and the first time I saw it, I started crying. Something about the house just seemed wrong. It was “pretty”, but it gave me a really ugly feeling.
All sorts of weird, creepy, and inexplicable things would happen there. We had three dogs when we lived there, two of them ran away, and one went crazy and couldn’t live with us anymore. We had rabbits and they all died. We stopped getting pets.
The toilet would flush itself.
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Once, I was talking back to my mom and she told me to stop or God would punish me and I said something along the lines of “yeah, right” and then the ground shook. I kid you not there was an earthquake, but no one except my mother and I felt it. Apparently, only our house shook.
Another time, my brother who was an infant at the time was in his bassinet under a lamp that was hanging from the ceiling. I looked at my mother and told her she shouldn’t put him there because that lamp was going to fall on him. I walked over and moved the bassinet and as soon as I moved him the lamp fell. Crazy!
It makes no sense to me that I have such clear memories of this house that was seemingly possessed and yet, I do not believe in ghosts. Do you?
Image via jonfeinstein/Flickr
Scary! I don’t believe in ghosts, though my imagination runs wild when I’m alone sometimes and I scare myself to death! 🙂
Scary! I don’t believe in ghosts, though my imagination runs wild when I’m alone sometimes and I scare myself to death! 🙂
If you don’t believe ghost is not exist so you don’t believe with god too… So simple right, 50% people can see a ghost… 50-50 people get this natural skill for see a ghost because they have gift from god… I believe ghost is exist because I can see..
I do, but not in the traditional sense. I don’t believe that the spirits that are around are necessarily the people they are pretending to be. I believe it’s possible to come back but I don’t think it always happens. Nor do I believe in friendly ghosts. I think it’s possible to believe in evil or a spiritual world but not in ghosts.
I do, but not in the traditional sense. I don’t believe that the spirits that are around are necessarily the people they are pretending to be. I believe it’s possible to come back but I don’t think it always happens. Nor do I believe in friendly ghosts. I think it’s possible to believe in evil or a spiritual world but not in ghosts.
Is this true?
Well, first off I think I have to believe in ghost because for the life of me I can’t figure out how I got here.
Really…I know it was by way of some other blog, but for the life of me I can’t remember. I even went back and tried to retrace my steps…no luck.Now…is it just luck that I find myself your 600th Follower…with no clue as to how I got here…or is it something more cryptic! Either way! Hi! Nice to meet you! Great blog you have here…and I will be back, now that I left some breadcrumbs behind.Cheers, Jenny
I don’t ‘believe’ in ghosts as such, Mami, but certainly I recognise that strange, incomprehensible things can happen, well out of human control and understanding.
I am sure there was a ghost in one of the houses I lived in as a student. The house used to belong to a great aunt and she hated a chair that I kept in the house, I would often return home from college to find the chair moved yet no one was in the house!
I believe in ghost or spirits or whatever you want to call them. My friends house is haunted and she has some wild stories.
Oh yes, I believe in ghosts. The house I grew up in, the house my parents still live in, has a ghost. I saw faucets turn on and off, the stereo turn on, doors slam, the television rabbit ears correct themselves — happens all the time. Nothing horrible or scary would happen. I still think Grandpa Hale (who died in the house) is still hanging out, helping out. Mom started calling him Harvey so we all still do. 🙂
yup. i believe in spirits of all kinds. 🙂
Just wrote about my own ghosty experience a few days ago (http://geeneva.blogspot.com/2011/07/i-remember.html). Thanks for sharing yours, some things just can’t be explained and are too weird to put into words (although, we both did pretty well.)
I have never experienced anything like that, but I absolutely believe it happens! Scary!
I believe a lot of things exist whether I believe in them or not.
You bet I do! I prefer to call them spirits though. Some of them borrow my clothes from time to time.
I’ve never had any kind of experience with the supernatural, but I once wished that my inlaws’ dog was dead and we received a phone call about 15 minutes later telling us the dog had died.
Yep, ghosts are real. Glad you got out of that house. I lived in so many haunted houses growing up, I thought it was me that was haunted.
I am hearing the music from those “Twilight Zone” series! I do not believe in ghosts, but I would have been out of there, of course with the bassinet incident & excuse my language, I have a thing when the old crapper would start flushing itself!
You are really creeping me out lady! That’s some scary crap! How long did you live there? Have you ever gone back to check it out? Wow…
Hope all is well with you?
Don’t believe in the type of ghosts things that can move stuff and all that. I don’t know what happens to our spirits in the afterlife. Maybe some energy form?
If ghosts existed then they would be filing lawsuits. Just think about all the bad things said about ghosts and the way Hollywood and publishers have exploited them. They would certainly be suing by now.
Self flushing toilet – wow you were ahead of the times – all those self flushing public toilets out there – you would have been flush with money – you missed it.
Oh you got another vote from me
I don’t believe in ghosts. I do believe in spirits.
There weren’t any ghosts, mami. That’s just what *happens* when you talk back to your mother.
I do believe in ghosts /spirits. And yours were obviously pissed off.
this sounds like my parents house…unexplained noises…even heard voices…and others have…there is a graveyard in the back yard….yes i believe…
I believe in spirits. I don’t know if they flush toilets, but any ghost that wants to help me remember to do that would be probably welcome here. I have had a few supernatural experiences that defy normal explanations. That’s why I submit my mind, my body, my entire self and even my house to God’s authority. Some spirits do more than send out a few spooky vibes.
I believe in spirits. I don’t know if they flush toilets, but any ghost that wants to help me remember to do that would be probably welcome here. I have had a few supernatural experiences that defy normal explanations. That’s why I submit my mind, my body, my entire self and even my house to God’s authority. Some spirits do more than send out a few spooky vibes.
well i never did, but after reading this i think i do…..scary stuff
hugs 🙂
All I can tell you is that when I was 16, my Grandmother passed away. I was very close to her. The day of the funeral, everyone was at my Aunt’s house which was literally behind my Grandmother’s. Me, my brother and one of my cousins were outside and all the lights on my Gram’s truck started flashing. We thought it was very strange and went up to the truck and both doors were locked, yet the lights were flashing. We went inside, got the adults and went back to the truck to show them what was happening. Only, the lights were no longer flashing.
I swear, on my Grandmother’s soul that it happened as I just wrote.
Do I believe in ghosts? I don’t know. But I believe what I saw, that’s for sure.
Even though I try to deny it to myself and do not, rationally believe in ghosts, after all, like you all, I am educated and intelligent yada yada yada, I am afraid of them. Or the thought of the possibility of being startled by one. Because of this fear of anticipation of fright, when I travel, I have trouble falling asleep in the hotel room. *sigh*
That is some powerful stuff. Yes I do believe in ghosts.
Not sure if I believe in ghosts or not. But creepy stories like this one make me think I do!
Glad that you saved your brother from that falling lamp. You were a wise kid, huh?!