I have a friend. I met him in college. As soon as we started spending time together, I was hooked. He is funny and wonderful and I click with him in a very special way.
Things haven’t always been perfect between us. He’s broken my heart more than once, not in a romantic way, but in a much more disconcerting and unsettling way that only someone you love profoundly and believe is meant to be in your life forever can. I’m sure I’ve caused some pain along the way as well.
A couple of times he’s “left” me and I wasn’t sure that we would ever be friends again, but I took a risk, we took a risk and we are friends again.
To know me is to know that I value humor. Laughter makes my life a better life. If you want to compliment me, tell me I’m funny. If I tell you that you are funny, then you know I really admire you. Well my friend, the one I was telling you about, is friggin’ hilarious! He can make me laugh with abandon. The other day he sent me a picture of himself. I thought I would be funny and I used one of the apps (PhotoFunia) on my phone to alter the photo. When I saw the results I couldn’t stop laughing and I immediately sent them to him.
As a tribute to our friendship and with his permission I would like to share the text exchange that ensued. My texts will be in brown his will be in green.
I love those! You know they came from the oldcountry with everything on their backs.You can see the uncertainty on their facesas they face the new worldIt was a scary but excitingtime for my people

It’s interesting that she was the original modelfor DaVinci, yet in the final product heobviously chose a subject who I feel had less allure.You are so fortunate tohave found some of hislost collections.Looking at these old photos,these faces look so strange, so foreign tome , yet so familiar.
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