Did you know that there is a MasterCard Marketplace that offers both national and local deals? I didn’t and when I found out, I was like, whatever because I don’t even have a MasterCard, but for some reason I decided to check all the plastic in my wallet anyway.
Guess what? I found that one of my debit cards has a MasterCard logo on it, which totally qualifies me for the deals offered at the MasterCard Marketplace.
So off I was to shop for some deals. Now, I know it’s the season to shop for others, but I headed to this virtual marketplace with every intention of shopping for myself. I love buying gifts for others, but I also love buying gifts for myself and I rarely buy myself anything anymore.
I looked around the website and even though I was looking for me, I couldn’t help but peek at their offerings in the kids category and somehow I ended up clicking on an offer for 15% off at AfterSchool.com
I’m sure you know where this is headed. A few clicks later, I saw this little girls bike.
It just so happens that a little girl in my life would really enjoy this bike. It was on sale, plus I was eligible for further discount, AND I was offered free 2-day shipping.
I ordered it on a Friday and the next Monday it was delivered to my door.
I’m glad I got a chance to check out the MasterCard Marketplace because it led me to a deal that I wouldn’t have found on my own. The only people I really care about getting Christmas gifts for are my two daughters and with this, #IFinishMyList.
Now, how would one of you lovely people like to come over and help me put this bike together?
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I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and MasterCard #CBias #SocialFabric #FinishMyList
Omg she is going to love it!
Putting things together is a nightmare as far as I’m concerned. Good luck with that!
How cute! If MC were really cool, they would have sent someone to put it together for you. 🙂
Now you’re talking! That would make me a customer for life.
nice looking bike
If you are ever in town, I’m sure Put Pie would let you take a spin on it.
well thank you – I would flatten the tires with my weight but it would be fun to walk along as she pedaled
Claudya, I love shopping deals so much I am equally happy if others find a great deal! 😀 Well – I tend to do the same thing – I start out looking for myself…and end up buying stuff for the home or the guys. Love the bike. By the way, most of these stores have an arrangement for someone to come over and put it together. You might as well find out. If I’d lived closer, I would have totally enjoyed doing that for you, plus hang around with your girls as they got the hang of it 😀 Hugs!
I’d be happy to put it together for you (I actually enjoy that kind of thing) but we’re 9 time zones apart so getting together could prove difficult.
Oh I am sure they will love the bike! I always end up buying for my kids instead of myself.
Nice!! Your daughter’s going to love that.
Right?! I can’t wait to give it to her.
that is one heck of a bike! love!