I’ve been reorganizing the house like crazy. Getting rid of things. Trying to reduce clutter. Also, setting up my home so that I truly enjoy being in every room.
Like many, we are strapped and have had to cut down on most luxuries. I am not complaining because we are warm, fed, clothed, housed, and together. We spend most of our time at home because it’s just cheaper to be home than not to be. I love my home, but I can get really overwhelmed with all the stuff that accumulates. We have very little storage space and a toddler that loves to spread all her things around. We also have another little girl on the way.
Where am I going to put more stuff?
Last week, I had a mini-break down because I realized I just had to get rid of a bunch of things. Let them go. For some people (my husband), parting with objects is no biggie. I seem to imbue objects with far too much significance and therefore have a hard time parting with them. Well, after shedding a few tears (give me a break, I’m pregnant) I realized that these things have served me well, but now they no longer work in my life. It’s just stuff, it’s not memories, or promises, or unrealized potential.
In getting rid of things I no longer need, I made room for things that will serve me better. The Universe noticed and sent me some gifts via messengers. Out of the blue my MIL decided to give us a couch and I love it! I can stretch out on it and when I’m not stretched out on it or snuggle with both my husband and daughter.
Since we got a new couch for the living room, we decided to put our small love seat in the kitchen and create a little lounging nook. My husband thinks it’s great because now we hang out with him while he cooks.
Another home improvement was facilitated by my friends at CSN Stores. They sent me a toy chest to review. You might not think a toy chest would be very exciting, but both my husband and I were thrilled by it. This is what we were using before:
Tell me this isn’t a vast improvement:
We dig it! It certainly beats a pink see-through plastic tub. It was easy to put together (especially since I made my BIL do it), it fits far more toys than the plastic tub did, and someday I could use it for something other than toys.
My home just keeps getting better and better. Let’s hope the trend continues.
Disclosure: I received a free toy chest from CSN Stores to facilitate this review. No other compensation was received. The opinions are mine.
Gorgeous Toy Chest and I want the Hello Kitty tin in the toy photo. That is so cute!
Sounds like nesting suits you!
Back on Nov. 23 you posted photos of the different goodies you had a chance to get from CSN and at the time I said “Let’s see….pregnant with child number two, probably nesting but with a desire to maintain that professional woman look….this is a tough one. My heart says the chest because you close the top and never really have to organize, but my mind says bag”. So I knew I should have gone with my heart.
BTW – I post this in honor of your I Comment, Therefore I Am blogs. Since I cut and paste the above from my old comment.
The truth is I really wanted the bag, but I needed the toy chest more. When I read your original comment, I thought you were a bit of a mind reader.
I love this line: “It’s not memories, or promises, or unrealized potential.” So well said! I am going through a purging phase myself. The clutter is driving me nuts, but then I’ll go to pick up an object to purge, and I think, “Oh, but what if…?” I’m going to remember your line as I go through my closets.
nice looking chest – (the CSN store one) I see the advantages over the see-through one but it will make it harder to find Elmo. I’m sure he disappears at times. You know he loves playing tag. http://afcsoac.blogspot.com/2010/09/tickle-me-katy.html
Aren’t Toy Chests amazing! My child has one in the living room that is a re-purposed storage bin from Target Clearance. It fits my decor and all her “living room” toys. 😉 Light Brite – books and a couple games.
No no, that is awesome! I love tucking things away and not being able to see them!
Oh yes, I surely remember when I got the nesting instinct. Your house gets a great cleanup. Once, on baby no. 3, I tidied up so good that when I got home from the hospital, I couldn’t find the baby’s clothes which I had carefully put away. Oh, I found them eventually, but still! Make sure that doesn’t happen to you!
New babies seem to come with a lot of stuff….it looks like your nest will be ready.
A good toy chest is a must have!
The toy chest is perfect b/c you can’t see it’s contents. Plus, it looks stylish enough to place anywhere in your home.
Love the new toy chest! It is easy to de-clutter things when you realize they are just stuff; they might hold nice memories and are sentimental, but in the end they are just stuff. Maybe because of my frequent moves, but I hold less sentimentality for stuff these days and like to keep it as de-cluttered as I can, but then I’m married to a packrat…..
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
I love the idea of the cozy nook in the kitchen. Awesome!
The toy chest is also awesome. Very nice, and something you could definitely keep around even after you don’t have a need to conceal toys (or you could save those few special toys that you will keep for eventual grandchildren-but you have many many years before you have to worry about that!)
Lovely storage chest! I struggle with the decluttering at times too, but then I remind myself that my stuff doesn’t pay my mortgage. When I figured out monthly payments on a per square footage basis, that pile of crap in the corner of the den tends to looks less and less sentimental and more and more like a messy house guest who doesn’t pay rent. I also believe that clearing out makes more room for the Universe to bring us new stuff – like couches! – G
Yay! Love it when the universe listens. Love the toy chest too. Happy nesting 🙂
It’s really nice! I agree – being at home, appreciating the simple things is worth so much more than things. Happy Holidays!!
I hear ya sister! I have a hard time parting with things, mostly because I know as soon as I do, I will need it! That toy chest is beautiful!
I remember when I was nesting the first time. I freaked out because we didn’t have an umbrella. What kind of mom would I be without an umbrella!
Nothing wrong with getting rid of things that are no longer needed. Now I can say this to you but I can’t actually do that myself, I keep everything! Hooray on the new couch and the nook sounds like a great idea too. Love the new toy chest!
Love the new toy chest. Here’s to new beginnings and simplifying our lives.