Blogging is a regular part of my life and although commonplace for me, there are people out there that just don’t get it. They don’t get the point of blogging, they don’t really understand what blogging is, or they think blogging is sooo 10 years ago. Little do these people realize that blogging is not just alive and kicking, but thriving and growing. As far as I’m concerned, blogging is as democratic as it gets. It puts the power of the pen (or keyboard) in anyone’s hand. You don’t need money to do it, just access to the interwebs (which for many is still a priviledge).
Sometimes people IRL ask me what I’m up to and when I tell them I’ve been blogging, you see them get a kind of dazed glazed expression. If they find out that I’ve been known to make money while blogging or have taken trips because of it, they ask how they can sign up and start doing it too. At that point I just smile and change the subject because they just don’t get it. I love blogging and I love that I am able to add to our income because of it, but make no mistake that I work hard for the dividends and also I didn’t start blogging to make money. I started blogging to read and write, to communicate with others, to share my stories and perspectives, and to be enriched by the stories and perspectives of others. I’ve kept blogging for over 3 years because I have a passion for it, some would say an obsession. I’m sure there are people out there that start blogs to make money or become “internet famous” (which let’s face it, isn’t really famous at all), but greed and hubris can only get you so far.
Recently, because of blogging, I read Chip Chip Chaw! Tales of the Unsane by Alex Bosworth. Do you know who Alex Bosworth is? He happens to be married to the wonderful blogger Traci of Traci’s Mixed Bag. The book is a collection of humorous short stories and by humorous I mean a sort of twisted wry humor that I found thoroughly delightful. I was given a copy of the book to review and greedy little blogger that I am, I asked for a copy to giveaway, so if you are interested please enter to win a copy of Chip Chip Chaw! Tales of the Unsane before 9/12/12.
Speaking of my fabulous bloggy life (tongue in cheek people, tongue in cheek), today I’m having tea with two Olympic Gold Medalists: Kristi Yamaguchi and her husband Bret Hedican. You never know where blogging will take you. I hope I remember not to slurp my tea and to hold my pinky up. Knowing me I might accidentally hold up the wrong finger and offend everyone without meaning to.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Why keep it to yourself when you can blog about it?
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Answers…Set A (#3 is the lie) Set B (#1 is the lie)
You’re gonna meet Kristi Y? Ask her about her DWTS stint!! 🙂
We talked about DWTS briefly and she said she enjoyed it very much and got a long with her partner well.
I will never be a money-making or trip-taking blogger, but I love that I can come right here and talk to someone who is. I also love that I have been able to get to know a Mami in San Francisco, a mid-life mom in Paraguay, a grandma in Louisiana and many others I would have never known without blogging.
I love that I get to know wonderful people I would have no other way of knowing through blogging. Age and distance are not issues.
There are so many people in my life who just don’t get it too. And they certainly do not understand the work that I put into it. I love that you are having tea with Kristi! How exciting 😀
My post today is inspired by you & Mrs. 4444!
So many types of blogs. I don’t know if I agree that the blogging world is growing. I don’t count G+ or FB as blogging. You have done quite well with it and should be very proud. Wow I’m waiting to learn how the Olympic medalist tea party came about. Blogging certainly can become an obsession and I recall you posting about that not long ago. I find blogging more rewarding in the confidence, creative, networking, learning areas more than the financial.
As I’ve said before – a shoe shine boy at the beach will make more money than a blogger.
Oh, I think blogging is doing really well. I say this simply because everyday I open my email someone is pitching me something because of the blog. I say no to most things because they aren’t a good fit. Still if folks are courting little ol’ me, then there has to be something to the power of blogging. There is power in the relationships that we have built online. I trust you and your Youtube recommendations more than some random guy on TV sharing his recommendations because I’ve gotten to know you through your writing and our interactions via the blog world. Google+ is “micro-blogging”. I’d rather blog full-size.
thanks about recommendations. Blog full-size – good one.
How in the world did you arrange to meet Kristi? I shouldn’t be amazed by the powers of Unknown Mami! Have a fun time!
I was invited to meet her via my blog. All I did was say, “Yes!”
I may have already signed up for this giveaway, but if I haven’t, count me in!
I’m so glad you’re a blogger, you’re a great inspiration to me!
It is kind of a strange thing to be a blogger… I don’t usually tell people about it, when I have they assume its a paying gig, which its so not the case. I do it because I like writing, taking pictures and documenting our life, and I don’t mind sharing. I don’t have any aspirations to become famous. As it is I’m embarrassed when real life friends comment that they’ve read my blog, I forget that sometimes people actuall read it!
You are a phenomenal writer and I’m sure your friends love to read your words. You have a great way of expressing yourself.
My day is all about blogging. It’s what I do. Not that I post often but I read for hours and hours each day. I don’t know where I would be today without blogging.
Wow, hope you had a great tea today!
They talk about making money but it doesn’t just fall out of the sky. In 6 months of goggle ads I have made $8.65. Whee! It’s a blog with a small following, after all.
Tea with Kristi? Cool! Blogging lets you meet some interesting folk, that’s for sure!
It was really fun and she was very nice and easy to talk to.
Beautifully said. I blog because I enjoy it and every thing else is a big bonus, a privilege.
I want to see photos of you with the Olympians.
I also love blogging because I met you, Claudya! Hugs!
Check out my twitter feed. I put some pictures up there.
I’ll never get rich monetarily from blogging, but my life is infinitely richer by the addition of all the new friends I’ve gained through blogging.
Wow. Blogging definitely has taken you far and rewarded you much. You never know what’s going to happen indeed. Everything you said about blogging, I totally agree and love you for it.
You know I love you right back, right?
It was interesting to read your thoughts on blogging.
wow have fun at tea…i will say that blogging has enriched my life and world view…and i have met quite a few of my readers now…even had one stay at my house the other week…
I becomes harder and harder to see the reason to make a distinction between “online” friends and “in real life” friends. Some friends that I’ve never seen in person have really come through for me. The distinction only seems to be necessary when speaking to someone who doesn’t blog.
Saw your lunch pics on Facebook – hope you had a great time!
I did. It was very fun and I got to meet some other wonderful local ladies.
Besides children I have twelve siblings and my immediate family totals eighty-two people. Add in my friends, acquaintances, church members, committee members etc and you would think I would have hundreds of hits each week. Not so. In fact I have one regular reader among my family members and one that stops by occasionally. Both in-laws. Not one blood relative that wants to support my blogging. I will not bother you with the comments I get when I try to talk about something I posted or saw on a blog and what to share. Yep! Your post hit a cord (or was it a nerve) with me.
I totally understand. I have a huge family as well. My mother is one of 13 siblings so you can imagine how many cousins I have. I’m pretty sure not one single family member has read my blog, which is fine. I do have some friends IRL who are regular readers and super-supportive. Some have sent me emails or messages to tell me how much they enjoy it. The strange thing is that the friends who read and are supportive are not necessarily the ones I would have thought would be into it. You just never know who is going to get it and who isn’t.
My husband who is very supportive of my blogging and often suffers neglect because of it is not a regular reader. He also always suggests post topics that I don’t want to write about. The couple of posts that he has really liked of mine are the ones that have gotten the least traction from my regular readers. I think he wants me to be a political blogger, but that’s not me most days.
I’m so excited that I can say I knew you before you were famous! 🙂
Off to enter your giveaway!