Let me introduce you to My Little Friend…
My Little Friend (yup, that’s its name) is my new HTC Windows 8 Phone. Now, you may think this is just another smart phone, but it’s not, it’s MY Windows phone, which makes it as unique as I am.
I have been an iPhone user for over 4 years now and I am not knocking the phone because I’ve loved it and still do, but what I do not love is the iTunes interface. To say I don’t like it is putting it mildly. The last time I went to update the software on my iPhone, the phone froze and it took me about 2 hours to get everything squared away and I still managed to lose some things that had not been backed up. I am a creature of habit and even though I was interested in trying a different type of phone, I probably wouldn’t have and this is the part where I get LUCKY!
Picture me sitting in our parked car with my youngest child sleeping in her car seat, while my husband is shopping. I’m going through my email on the aforementioned phone (because I always have my phone on me, I feel naked without it, truth be told, I may even have it with me when I am naked) and I read a missive that went a little something like this…
Hello Ms. Uniquety Unique Pants,
I’ve been reading your blog (insert pertinent details to show that I’ve really been reading it and not just saying that I did) and I dig it because your voice shines through and your uniqueness is apparent.
Because of this, I was wondering if you would like to #MeetYours. That particular hashtag refers to the new Windows 8 phone, which is as unique as you are or at least it will be when you are done setting it up.
So what do you say? Wanna try it?
Okay, I may have taken some artistic liberties with the transcription of the email, but close enough. As you can tell from the picture of me and My Little Friend, I answered in the affirmative.
I am still getting to know My Little Friend and sometimes I fumble around on it because I’m not used to it, but we’re becoming closer by the instant.
Here’s what I like so far:
I can set up the start screen in a way that works for me. Basically, you set up Live Tiles of the things that are important to you and that you want to access quickly. My screen has tools I find imperative for social media and my blog. I’m able to keep tabs on what’s going on in my online world with a quick glance. Oh and I can call people too, I guess that matters in a phone.
There is a Kid’s Corner. If you have kids and you have a smart phone the two will at some point make contact, whether you want them to or not and even though your phone is smart, it is not always smart enough to keep your kids from deleting things they shouldn’t or sending gibberish as text to someone you’d rather impress. The Kid’s Corner on the Windows Phone allows your children to access what you choose and keeps them away from everything else.
The camera on my HTC Windows Phone rocks both stills and video. The quality is great (if it means anything to you, it has 8MP and features a f/2.0 28mm lens) and it’s as easy to use as any phone camera.
Here’s what I’d like:
I have been able to find apps for most of the things I use such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, WordPress, banking, etc…but and this is a big BUT, there is no app available for Instagram yet. I am hoping that in the very near future the app for Instagram on a Windows Phone is available because I NEED it. Need may be a strong word, let’s just say I have become accustomed to it and don’t really want to do without.
So far I’m liking my phone and the flexibility it provides for organizing it in a way that works for me. I’ve even found a way to customize the back of the phone.
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Windows Phone.

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Windows Phone.
Good for you. I don’t have either, just a plain Jane cell phone, my days of iPhones, Blackberries, and such are long gone. But I could never leave an apple product. I am an apple fan to the max.
I had heard such great things about the windows phone and then when I went to buy one the saleslady was disgusted and implied I didn’t do my research – I admit I was totally run over by her – I did end up with an i-phone – which I’m happy with… I must confess I always wonder – what might have been???? Enjoy getting to know your new phone!!!
It looks lovely! I have an iPhone, but it’s a work phone so I don’t pay for it. Therefore, I just say, “Thank you very much” and enjoy it. 🙂
I have nothing bad to say about my previous iPhones, it’s whenever I had to plug them in and use iTunes that I was miserable.
I hope you are well and that the holidays went alrgiht. I know you are not a big fan of the whole Christmas ordeal.
Wow, you go girl!! Getting used to a new phone can be such a pill, but for that price, I may give it a whirl 😉 So nice to see a smiling face to go with that phone!
Cool phone, I’m sure you will love it. I have not got one… *sigh*
Ummmm that is FREAKIN AWESOME!!! I looooove smart phones! If I don’t have my phone on me you can bet I am having a mini heart attack until the moment I have it again. Sad but true. I really like my phone but I sure wouldn’t mind trying a new one so YAY for you that you got to!!! 🙂
Cool for you and for the record I always refer to you as Uniquely Unique Pants!