Once upon a recent evening in East LA, a white truck roamed the neighborhood playing music and handing out milk to youngsters getting ready to start their nighttime routines. What kind of truck would do such a thing? A milk truck, my friends…un camíon de leche.
You may be wondering:
What was the purpose of the milk truck?
The idea of the milk truck is to celebrate and encourage the popular tradition of drinking a glass of milk before bedtime. As the milk truck made its way through the neighborhood, it played the song “Ya es hora de ir a la cama” (It’s time to go to bed) in an effort to remind parents to send their kids to bed early with a bedtime story and a glass of milk. This type of “bedtime ritual” helps parents ensure that their children sleep better while creating special, loving moments together.
Children and parents made their way to the milk truck, enjoyed a refreshing drink, and got into a bedtime mindset.
When they were done and back indoors, they continued their bedtime routine and could take advantage of free bilingual bedtime stories online.
May you and yours always get all the sleep and rest you need. I find that the more rested my children and I are, the easier it is to remain positive throughout the day. Another way to encourage your positive outlook is by visiting my buddy El Maestro del Vaso Lleno on Facebook for your daily dose of #Positivismo.
This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor Board and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
How cool is that!
that’s really cool! I’ve never been a fan of milk (I throw em up, for some reason) but I really, really want my child to regularly drink it.
I”ve seen ice cream trucks, but not milk trucks. I do remember as a milkman delivering milk to the house when I was very young.
That is really neat!
Love it….I remember when I was little drinking milk before bed.
I agree, we are all happier with a good nights sleep!