Hola Chulas y Chulos! Another week, another chanclazo coming at you from me and my flying chancla.
Speaking of chanclazos it looks like Jennifer Lopez got a chanclazo in the eye. Ouch!
¿Que pasó? Did she get all contestona with her mom and pay the chanclazo consequences? Naw, she wasn’t hit by anyone. It happened on the job.
Did you read the caption? It says:
Sometimes work can be rough…lol #shiner #blackeye #sufferforyourart#youshouldseetheotherguy #justkidding #nobodyhitme #imalovernotafighter #immafightertoo #youcantputmeinaboxbaby #okimdonewiththehashtags
ALSO READ: Jennifer Lopez Dramatically Reading ‘Baby Got Back’ Is Officially EVERYTHING
So this happened while she was filming on the set of “Shades of Blue,” which got picked up for a second season. Pobrecita! My chancla and I think that after this little incident the show should change its name to “Shades of Black and Blue” for obvious reasons.
How awesome is it that JLo is willing to share un-glam selfie pics? I mean I guess I would too if I looked as good as she does with a black eye. I can’t even manage to look good in smokey eye makeup.
You think she’ll put some Vicks on it to make it better? I’m kidding. Please JLo, do not put Vicks on that close to your eyeballs.
Doesn’t Jennifer look amazing for her age too? Even with a black eye.
She always looks incredible. How the heck are you?! So nice to “hear” from you.
Well I’m still alive, got some tough stuff going on at home but still hanging on in there. I hope you are doing okay, and get well soon!