Mission District
San Francisco, CA
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So much color in the Mission District – – – well, in all of San Fran for that matter.
Look who FINALLY got herself together enough to come back to the party.
I don’t know quite WHY I’ve lost my bloggy incentive.
I’m just happy to have your company for SIMC again.
Love the bicycle and the thread – they look so colourful. Nice.
Last shot reminds me about sewing I need to do…Happy Sunday!
wonderful colourful shots!
happy sunday!!
I love visiting San Francisco with you every week.
The Mission District is very colorful. I really liked the shots of the signs and spools of thread.
Love to come and visit all the beautiful post from all the blogs, thanks for hosting. Have a nice Sunday.
that’s a nice looking delivery bike. I wonder if it does well on those SF hills. thanks for hosting
Makes me want to visit! “works on jerks”? LOL!
Whoops it should say holiday in Northern England.. :L
I sure miss San Francisco! Love all that color and excitement!
What! That bike is SO cool. I love all these colorful pictures. Awesome!
Looks very interesting!
I’m suprised to see those spools in the window; wouldn’t they fade? Interesting!
What a spectacular image San Francisco captures in it’s culture, I can see why people love it there. So much flavor.
Very awesome! My husband is a big fan of Benny Gold!
Hey you! My BIL was rockin’ some really cool Benny Gold socks, I’m thinking they would be great stocking stuffers for hubby this Xmas.
So gorgeous. I remember you posted some photos of the Mission District before – quite some time ago. Lovely!