Recently, I wrote a post about growing up as the daughter of a beautiful mother which prompted Nancy to ask, “What did you learn from having a beautiful mother? Do you think it made a difference in how you viewed the world? Just curious…”
Oh boy! I could write volumes on how I was affected by my mother’s beauty. I have to say even the question makes me uncomfortable. My mother’s beauty has always defined her; it is front and center and inescapable. I’ve always appreciated her beauty and at times been very proud of it, but I’ve hated feeling that I was somehow supposed to measure up to her beauty. I am not ugly, but my beauty is not front and center. I’ve spent my whole life wanting to be appreciated for my intellect and humor, things that I could take credit for developing, but I would be a huge liar if I didn’t admit to wanting to appreciated for my physical beauty every once in awhile. Physical beauty is a powerful thing, but it can also be a burden.
That’s the short answer to Nancy’s question. I appreciate that she made me think about something that I tend to ignore.
Do you have anything you’d like to ask me? Let me know in the comments section and I’ll answer in an upcoming post.
Perhaps, you don’t give a rat’s a$$ about me and you’d rather ask a question about yourself. Well, you’re in luck! I am what could be referred to as a Useless Psychic. Yes it’s true, I have psychic abilities, but they are useless. For example, I dreamt that our car was broken into and the next morning when I went to the car it had indeed been broken into. Not really broken into as my husband had forgotten to lock it. Why couldn’t I have had a dream the night before about him forgetting to lock it?
So maybe you would like to ask me something about your future like should you get a nose job in 2010. My answer would be along the lines of, “No your nose is already very busy poking itself where it does not belong, it can not possibly take on another job.”
So step right up and ask The Useless Psychic a question! I will look into my crystal ball and if I am not blinded by the reflection of my own cleavage, I may be able to offer some insight.
This is intended to be an interactive game and I am not actually claiming that I will provide you with any useful information.
LOVE the cute.
And I have a beautiful Mom too. And it has been interesting to see how it has impacted her life. She is more beautiful on the inside though.
And Useless Psychic…who will win the Superbowl?
Oh Mami! you so funny,always!!!I am so sure you are beautiful to in ALL ways!! Happy New Year to you and your fam!!
So, I have a couple of questions…your profile says go on auditions…for what?? also, I love the bag with the lips, how did you come up with it?
I'm with everyone else—-I love the bag, but maybe one secret photo posted for a certain amount of time would be nice. 🙂
I like to hear about how people have met their husbands. Like the very first time they met. I'd love to hear yours.
I seriously love you, I always leave your blog smiling or laughing! So my question is…..when did you first notice your physic ability? Has it ever come in handy, or do you think if you took time to develop it, it might be more useful?
Fun-ny. I wonder why I always forget how funny Mami can be!
That't the not question, yet. The question is …. I can't think up a question. It is not like I do not want to know you but through your charm and warmth, I feel like I already know you.
I sincerely thank you Mami, for your gifts. Happy New Year.
Will there ever be a useful treatment, or dare I say cure, for psuedoarthrosis? What about neurofibromatosis? How about plexiforms? Or what about optic gliomas?
Should I start an in-home day care? A part time thing? Say three days a week drop off somewhere in the neighborhood of 7am or after and pick up somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 or before? I feel like I'm already being to restrictive with what I'd be willing to accept, but would like the extra cash.
The thing that I love most about this post is the disclaimer at the end. I can hear the male voice-over saying 'all commentary is meant for entertainment purposes only”.
So Useless Psychic AKA Unknown Mami, what should I even ask? The questions are endless. I don't know. THink of something for me. 🙂
As I do give a rat's a$$ about you, I will ask this. What is the thing about motherhood that has most surprised you? Either in happiness or frustration? What has knocked your zapatos off?
I am reminded of that old George Carlin bit about him having VujaDe, the funny feelinhg that none of this has ever happened before! LOL
Not only do I give a rat's a$$ but I give TWO rat's a$$es! I always love your posts; you share insights into your mind and life that make me contemplate my own thoughts. Not many people do that! So…
What is your favorite thing about yourself? And…how would one of your friends describe you to someone who has never seen you?
I could go on, but that is enough for now.
*giggle* I love your post today. I have had plenty of questions for you, but refrained from asking. MAYBE that is why you have written this post 😉 Now I have opportunity to ask.
You're an actress. Have you ever been on TV or in the movies? I can only claim to have been in “Mask” with Cher and Eric Stoltz, but you can hardly see me so it doesn't even count.
I can understand shielding Put Pie's face on your blog, but I wonder sometimes why you shield your own. You are so incredibly beautiful; it shines through in your words and your compassion. Is it because of what you wrote about your mother's beauty in today's post?
I love the new hat you put in your profile picture! 🙂
I have a few questions for you: #1 – Is that a real picture of you and your baby in your profile?
If it is, you are lucky to have a nice rack and great hair. Over the years, I have watched how my friends with great racks didn't struggle so much for a man's attention or drinks at a bar when we use to club. I'm just a B cup but I said if I ever won the lottery, maybe I'll purchase a D rack of sorts. I probably would never win, unless you know that.
#2 – Will I ever win the lottery or come into a huge lump sum of money? I don't know why I have always thought that and I don't even buy lottery tickets. Isn't that crazy??
#3 – My mom could may have been physically beautiful but she has hated me for most of my life. I don't know why and I don't care to know why? Is there hope she will stop being mean and just accept me? If not, I have been ok with it all my life.
Promise this is the last question: #4 – Will my sister ever be civil with me? She has started yet another campaign of hate against me and I have not spoken to her in 3 years because she is truly her mother's daughter. This time she through my kids in it and I am not bragging, but I really do have good kids.
What say you Unknown Mami?? I'm curious to hear if you can solve these questions for me = )
I am not sure if I missed it in a previous post but what keeps you going as a creative spirit?
I get you on the measuring up, my mom and my sister where beautiful and I was just always the sidekick. I had some self awareness this year (thank God finally cause I'm pushin 45!) and I think that I'm ok:)
Um, ok psychic lady tell me should I play the lottery and will I win?
Happy New Year Mami:)
Ms. Wanda
Tell me, oh Useless Psychic! What does my future hold?
I'm so thrilled that you answered my question. No matter what anybody says, beauty does play a role in our society, even though we would like to think we've evolved beyond biology.
I would love to know….what is your favorite character from stage, screen, or book? What is your DREAM role?
Also, please let me know what I should be when I grow up.
I already LOVE what I know about you, my friend! And, I pray that you stay the same BEAUTIFUL, GENOROUS gal that you are today.
Where do you see my boys, Sam (5) & Luke (1), in 20 years, tho??? :o)
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you and why? (Since you've inspired so many with SIMC).
oooh. so many riveting comments. looking forward to the responses. what a massive undertaking and generous offer. par for the course…
has writing always been a passion of yours or were you driven as a new mother to tap into it via blog? where would you like to take it?
what are some of your favorite books?
Why did you title your blog Unknown Mami?
I like this Q&A thing BTW!
You mentioned a while back in a comment to me that May of 2010 was going to be filled with lots of love and joy. I can't rememeber your exact words but I was wondering if you just said that to cheer me up or you really see something in my future. Just curious!
Thanks, hugs and love,
What a fun blog! I love useless psychics, I am one too 🙂
Dear Mami: Why do you cover your face? I must know. Is it simply for the intrigue factor or something else. I am quite sure you are absolutely gorgeous. Your blog is so awesome. I cannot get enough of your posts. What inspires you? How do you make everything so riveting? Seriously. PS Thanks for your comments on my bloggie. In answer to your questions…I don't know if I will get my son a pet or not. I can barely make it through the day without using the Wet Vac at least 6 times, not sure if I have it in me to get a pet just yet. And placenta jerky sounds extra tasty. When I am done with the placenta fajitas, I'm going to try that one for sure. PPS Lovin the hats.
Useless Psychic That's hilarious! I think I am scared to know about the future, unless it holds a whole lot of money???
nice sombrero 🙂
Unknown Mami,
If I write about my Christmas Day event (I'll be using a different word for it but event is general enough for now) will others read and comment on it? I can count on you because you such a great commenter. But I need your psychic power to tell me if others will visit. Well I've been off line and still have a list of things to straighten out in the off line world.
Oh, one more psychic request – after I post this story and you read it, could you tell me if I pissed-off someone in Bethlehem or somewhere.
Oh, I love this! OK, I want to know, will 2010 bring me lots of money?
Oh great and powerful Useless Psychic ~ Tell me what I'm thinking. 🙂
Firstly, may I say that I've always loved the paper bag with the lips-n-eyes look but the addition of the hats? Nice one! 🙂
Boy, you've really opened the flood gates with this post.
As a question for you: Where do you see yourself in 10 years time (apart from the obvious major success you will enjoy as the World's Number One Useless Psychic)?
I've sat here for a couple of minutes trying to think of something witty and light-hearted to ask you in your capacity as WoNOUP (World's Number One Useless Psychic…er, can I trademark that acronym?) but I've drawn a complete blank. If the great WoNOUP has a message for me – please let me know. Otherwise, let's just stick with the first question.
(Very nice post today BTW). 🙂
Haha! I love the cleavage comment….since I am still breastfeeding, I feel that way, too. It's a great crumbcatcher as well!
Great post idea!
Where is your favorite place to travel to?
Dear Useless Psychic, I need to win the lottery in 2010. Any advice?
Love you,
Good thing you have the disclaimer here, I was getting ready to ask you if I should get a cat and finally have a pet again.
Will I ever win Powerball? Can I win if I'm from the State of CT (we've never had a winner)….
Should I refrain from drinking in 2010? Should I buy a small flat secretly to escape and paint it pink and silver with glitter balls and LPs of Barry Manilow?
Haha, I love this post!
I'd like to know if I should spend that $45 on that coat that I LOVED so much. Tell me oh psychic, wise, beautiful one.. 😉
Where does UPS go when they're sent to deliver parcels here?
My mother is also beautiful, neat, refined. I hope someone would say this about me one day.
My mom was/is also really really beautiful. Like the horrible person I am. I hated it.
“if I am not blinded by the reflection of my own cleavage,” tee hee. LOVE it. I'd be right there with you, Mami. Seriously. Wishing you and yours a wonderful new year!
Get the cat! That's not the psychic in me, I just think you should get a cat.
Visit me at: Unknown Mami.
Secretly, we all think our children are the greatest kids in the world. Why is Put Pie better than all the other kids? Brag!
You've mentioned your Latina heritage. Is your husband Latino? If not, were there any cultural barriers?
You also say you're bilingual. Are you teaching your daughter Spanish?
I am trying to think of something brilliant to ask and coming up with absolutely nothing. How many children would you love to have?
I guess the thing I would ask a psychic with no psychic power is WHEN will Gary say we can have a baby? : ) Cause I am SO ready! I miss the little baby times : ) and the fun sweet snuggles. And the smell of baths. And the kisses and loving. I NEED a baby. Maybe I should just give you Gary's email address so you could send him a non psychic message telling him to produce once at once! Happy New Year Mami!
Thanks for stopping by today and leaving all the nice comments. Have a safe and happy new year!
Interestning on your mom's beauty. I suppose there are always huge parts of us that always feel like we have to measure up to our parents. What of your dad is most dominant, do you think?
And for my useless psychic question, can you have a dream about how I'll do being a SAHM? I'm still conflicted 🙂
Last week I might have had a million questions but as soon as you ask I've got performance anxiety. lol I will certainly be excited to hear the answers to the questions you choose to highlight.
I am absolutely loving the hats! Nice festive touch! 🙂
I'll have to think of a question and come back – I'm drinking wine so I might ask something way too silly. But I did want to stop and wish you a
Happy New Year!
Looking forward to enjoying your beautiful self in 2010! 🙂
I love the hat addition.Wishing you a wonderful 2010. What would I like to know?? Hmmmmm what's your favorite color?
LOL! Gazing at your own cleavage!! Love that.
Here's my question: Will Mr.4444's boss stop being a colossal prick this year, improving the workplace for everyone and making Mr.4444 actually enjoy going into the plant? Yeah, I thought not. Here's to a better job for Mr.4444 in 2010, however it happens.
My question for you: What has been your proudest acting moment?
“This is intended to be an interactive game and I am not actually claiming that I will provide you with any useful information” should be my blog header.
You crack me up.
Question: will I ever have cleavage?
Useless Psychic has answered your question here:
Useless Psychic has answered your questions here:
Useless Psychic has answered one of your questions at the link below. She will be answering your other questions soon:
Useless Psychic has answered your question here:
Useless Psychic has answered your question here:
Useless Psychic has answered your question here:
Useless Psychic has answered your question here:
The Useless Psychic has answered 2 of your questions here:
The Useless Psychic has answered your question here:
The Useless Psychic has answered your question here:
The Useless Psychic has answered your question here: