My mother-in-law sends us care packages quite often. A recent one included a can of Campbell’s soup labeled like an Andy Warhol depiction of a can of Campbell’s soup. If she had sent me an entire box of it, would it be a case of life imitating art?
The back of the can points out that 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of Andy Warhol’s 1962 “iconic artwork 32 Campbell’s Soup Cans”, which are silk-screened paintings that had much to do with the emergence of pop art.
I find the tribute clever and kitschy, but it leaves me wondering if I should eat the can of soup or hang it on the wall? Perhaps, I should put it in my earthquake kit and if heaven forbid I ever need to use it, I will feel like I am surviving with the help of art.
Hmm, what a predicament! Opening the can would be paramount to vandalism then 😛
Oh I like your survival kit thinking. Sad that you need an earthquake kit. You might have the most fashionable survival kit around.
that is really cool! have not seen those cans….i would def keep it if you only have one…if nothing else than for a talking point…smiles.
I saw on another website, a mom saved the cans, sealed them and is using them as a pencil holder for her daughter. I thought that was clever.
I love it! Maybe you can drain from the bottom and eat the soup but definitely save the can!