In a marriage there are bound to be ups and downs. You have to keep it all in perspective and find the funny wherever you can. I love me some everyday marriage humor, the kind of humor that happens sin querer queriendo (unintentionally) is bound to make me laugh over and over again.
For example, recently I told you that Unknown Papi was kind enough to buy me a magazine with eye candy Victor Cruz on the cover, but I did not tell you the backstory wherein lies the funny.
Here is the Latina Magazine June/July cover that I’m talking about:
What first struck me about this magazine was the hot guy on the cover. Most women’s magazines don’t feature a hot guy on the cover. Hot guys on the cover are usually reserved for HOT GUY ISSUES and sure enough this particular edition is THE HOT GUYS ISSUE.
Now this is where the marital humor comes into play, I just knew in my heart of heats that Unknown Papi wouldn’t intentionally buy me a “Hot Guys Issue” of any magazine. So I decided to investigate and the following text conversation ensued…
Unknown Mami: Is the Latina Mag 4 me?
Unknown Papi: Yeah, thought u might wanna keep up to date with your people’s achievements. (Note: I am Latina, Unknown Papi is not Latino.)
Unknown Mami: It’s The Hot Guys Issue. I guess my people are achieving good looks.
Unknown Papi: If I knew that, I would not have bought it for u.
Unknown Mami: I was cracking up! I was wondering why you gave me a magazine full of hot guys. Thank you for thinking of me!
You gotta find the humor in every day, it just makes life and marriage more fun.
Laughter in marriage is a must….and so is a little eye candy!
This is GREAT!!!
“Yeah, thought u might wanna keep up to date with your people’s achievements” This exactly something my non-latino husband would say! haha
Anyone who has a husband has to have a sense of humor!!!
You are too funny! And so right! You need sense of humor in your marriage!
Sounds like Kevin and I when I point out girls with ‘big eyes’. We can’t say boobs around the kids…..ya know, doesn’t seem right so we use our code words and if I see a chick with huge eyes, I tell him which direction to look and he’s usually pleased.
Aren’t you the thoughtful wife?
That’s cute! And yes, funny. I find laughter to always help my mood. I am not married (yet) but I do love a man who can make me laugh, even if unintentionally.
So cute!
I want one of them now!
You can borrow mine.
It’s important to laugh, I try to do it every time! My sister gave me the same magazine and my first reaction was : Why? Then, I opened and found cute latinos. Good gift!
OMG! I laughing so hard. I have the same magazine. Now I’m going to have to cover up the “Hot Guys issue”. LOL.
Laughter is what keeps our household running despite my constant stress and worry. And text messaging? Somehow that has made things a little funnier around my house as well. LOL
It was such a sweet gesture and now he is probably kicking himself….LOL!
So sweet. That’s something Mark would do for me, too. I was just thinking today how stinkin’ thoughtful he is. We’re lucky girls…