Those little cuties are my daughters. They are wearing matching outfits that their abuela sent them for the holidays. I doctored the photo and put masks on their faces because blogging is my choice, not theirs. I couldn’t resist sharing this picture with you because they put the “feliz” in my Navidad.
Being Mexican, I was raised celebrating Christmas on December 24, Noche Buena. For me Noche Buena is all about food, family and staying up until midnight to open presents. The 25th is just a recovery day as far as I’m concerned.
Here’s the thing though, my husband is not Mexican or Latino. For him Christmas is on the 25th, so we compromise. We have a big dinner on the 24th, the kids can stay up until midnight if they can handle it and open one gift. Once they are in bed Santa Claus comes and they get to open the rest of their gifts on the morning of the 25th.
ALSO READ: 15 Tweets That Perfectly Describe What #MexicanChristmas is Like
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deborahpucci says
Love the girls outfits. When I was young we celebrated on Christmas Eve. Funny thing was that Santa came while we were at a Christmas Eve service!!!
Molly says
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family