My 4-year-old mixes patterns like a pro. In fact, she is much better at mixing patterns than I am. She put together this outfit with absolutely no input from me.
In this ensemble, she has managed to look perfectly put together in polka dots, stripes, and a floral pattern. One of the secrets to making patterns work together is choosing complimentary hues. Here her shirt works with her boots and her shrunken sweater coordinates with her leggings.
As far as looking good in mixed patterns, you might have to be 4 years-old (or 4 years-old at heart) because I suspect I could wear this exact same outfit in my size and look a little silly.
Do you mix patterns like a pro or do you leave it to 4 year-olds?
Love her style…and I wish I could pull it off! I’ve gone with bolder colors but thats about it! Happy Wednesday!
She looks adorable. Not many can pull off mixed patterns the way she did. I don’t even try. LOL
the girl certainly has flair!
that looks sooo cool! 🙂
What flair. 🙂 She IS a pro! I would totally leave it to her. Would you please tell her she looks gorgeous and I love her creativity?
i finally and gave in! my husband lets our 3 yr old dress herself and i just go along with it..sometimes i cant look when she insists on wearing two different shoes!
Oh my daughter insists on wearing non-matching socks. She’s 4, why not?
Because the sock will miss his partner. non-matching socks would probably not go well in certain conservative groups.
Ok that last question is over my head. I like those funky (not the right word for her generation but you can find it in an old dusty dictionary) boots.
Put Pie is a future stylist. She looks great!
xo jj
That is so adorable! I love her brightness. Bold is totally the style. 🙂 My six-year old put on shiny leggings with a black top and sandals with heels. I kid you not. She was the spitting image of Sandra Dee. HA.
She looks adorable! She has excellent taste!
ADORABLE! I’m so jealous! With 3 boys, I have to sneak in some style. No basketball shorts for them, thank you very much! 😛
I love your daughters style! Please forgive me if I do not comment much from now until after the New Year. Busy times, have a wonderful festive season. 🙂
She is a style master. I love the style of kids that age, my niece Olivia is 5 and I love seeing what she’s wearing.
I, sadly, always play it safe. I have a dear friend who mixes like a manic and totally pulls it off, every time. My children are not mixers of patterns but are violators of no mixing colors. I’ve stopped counting the number of times I send them back to their rooms in the morning with a “change your shirt or change your pants. You cannot wear those together” statement.
She did a great job! I would leave it to the 4 year olds.