This isn’t a particularly good picture and it certainly doesn’t do the delicious pupusas on the plate justice, but I had to share it with you because this plate is all love from one mother to another. You see I was home sick in bed and my husband and daughters went to a birthday party without me. I’m not gonna lie, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself because as a mom when someone in my family gets sick, I’m there to take care of them. But when I get sick, no one really takes care of me the way that I want to be taken care of. Basically, I want to be taken care of the way that my mother took care of me when I was a child and the way that I take care of my children when they are sick.
Anyway, back to the plate of pupusas. My family was out at this birthday party having fun and I was being a big baby because wouldn’t it be nice if someone brought me a nice plate of something to eat while I continued to wallow in bed? Well, wouldn’t you know it, the mother of the birthday girl sent my husband and kids home with a plate of pupusas for me because she knew I was at home sick.
This wonderful plate of food nourished me and also made me realize that I am so incredibly lucky because I have such a supportive group of mom friends that look out for me all the time. Moms taking care of moms is a beautiful thing.
Oh, in case you don’t know what pupusas are and my photo doesn’t really help you figure out what they are, pupusas are El Salvador’s gift to the world in the form of savory masa cakes stuffed with meats or beans or cheese or all it. They’re topped with curtido, a kind of pickled cabbage, and a light tomato sauce/salsa. A good pupusa is EVERYTHING.
ALSO READ: Sick Latina Mothers Be Like
From bed in San Francisco, CA.
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It’s a female kind of thing. The first thing I want to do if a girlfriend is sick is cook!
I’ve not heard of this but what a lovely thing to do – and I’m glad you felt better
I love pupusas. You are a lucky gal to have friends who bring pupusas!
Took another mom to realize just what you needed!!!