When I was offered press tickets to see “The SpongeBob Musical” at Golden Gate Theatre in San Francisco, I said yes because I thought it was something my daughters would enjoy. Well, guess what? My husband and I enjoyed it too and maybe even more than the girls did. Who would have thunk it?

According to my eldest daughter, the musical is based on an actual episode of the “SpongeBob Squarepants” animated Nickelodeon series. I can’t say whether that’s true or not since I haven’t seen very many episodes of the show. What I can tell you is that the musical is all about SpongeBob and his buddies trying to save their beloved Bikini Bottom from being destroyed by a predicted volcanic eruption of Mount Humongous.

Photo Credit: Jeremy Daniel
Honestly, I had WAY more fun watching the musical production than I would ever have watching an actual episode of the cartoon. The music, sets, costumes and performances in the musical production are clever, creative, whimsical, fun and witty.

Photo Credit: Jeremy Daniel
The best part is that you don’t have to know anything about the animated series to enjoy the musical production. If I have to pick a worst part, I would say the sound was wonky throughout and far too loud for the most part.

Photo Credit: Jeremy Daniel
Well, that’s my take on it. Here’s what the rest of my family thought about it.
It’s great. I could watch it over and over again! – My 9-year-old
It was good, but it was too loud and overstimulating. – My 11-year-old daughter
I don’t like musicals, but I like this one. – My husband
Oh, and maybe one more criticism from me: “The SpongeBob Musical” run at the Golden Gate Theatre was more like a sprint. It was only there from February 12 to February 16. But why?!
The SpongeBob Musical
Golden Gate Theatre
1 Taylor Street
San Francisco, CA
I LOVE LOVE LOVE musicals but have absolutely no desire to see this one. Probably because the one time I’ve seen the cartoon I wanted to stab myself in the ears with any sharp objects to make the horror stop. I guess maybe (MAYBE) if I had free tickets but I definitely wouldn’t pay to go see it. Good to hear that it was better thane expected from the adults.
I have a soft spot in my heart for the cartoon because my youngest was born with only one kidney and when she was really tiny I had to take her in to get some test where they strapped her to a board to see how her one kidney was functioning. Anyway, she was itty bitty, strapped to a board as they tracked some radioactive liquid they had put inside her and she was inconsolable because I couldn’t hold her. One of the nurses put the SpongeBob cartoon on for her and it took her mind off of it for a bit. I was so grateful.