My marriage is not perfect. Whose is? Liars that’s who.
My marriage is beautiful, trying, frustrating at times, fun, challenging, exciting when not mundane. It is all these things and so much more.
When I met the man that was to become my husband and the father of my children he was barely 21 years old, such a baby. A whole six years older than him, I felt seasoned, world-weary. Basically, I was a know-it-all. Even though I thought I knew it all, I came home and wrote this about him in my journal…this person has come into my life to teach me something. I didn’t know what that something was or that he would end up being as important to me as he has become, but I knew this person was of significance to me and I was excited and intrigued.
Fast forward to the present and this beautiful (physically and in every other way) man still excites me, intrigues me, and makes me so proud. He came home yesterday from a visit with our local Masons (he was exploring the possibility of joining) and the following conversation or something quite similar took place…
Unknown Mami: So how was it?
Unknown Papi: It was nice. They were all super friendly and easy to talk to.
Unknown Mami: What was the age-range like?
Unknown Papi: What do you mean?
Unknown Mami: I mean were any of them young.
Unknown Papi: Not really. I was the youngest person there and maybe there was one guy around 45.
Unknown Mami: They better get some young ones or they’re going to die out. So now what?
Unknown Papi: Oh, I liked them, but it’s not for me. They are nice, but I’m just not into excluding people. I mean they have family nights where wives are invited and all, but it is a fraternity. I don’t feel the need to exclude women.
Unknown Mami: (seriously beaming with pride) That’s because you are a feminist. Well, really you are a humanist.
Unknown Papi: Yeah, I am.
Unknown Mami: And that is part of why I love you so much.
So you see, my marriage is not perfect, but my husband is perfect for me.
I feel exactly the same way about my husband. He’s not perfect (no one is) but he’s perfect for me. 🙂
Allow me to be the first to (roughly) quote Groucho: I wouldn’t belong to any club that would have me as a member.
I am so touched he looked into becoming a Mason. They are the ones who help out with Shriners Hospital and that is where Joey goes for treatment of his leg.
And, I’m glad he spoke up about not liking how they exclude women. Maybe one day, they will accept women.
Awww. That’s so sweet, mami!
Very sweet! I like that about my husband as well.
Your last line sums it up perfectly. One person can influence many and from what you write, unknown papi is a positive one. congrats to him.
So sweet.
Your husband deserves a gold star… and you deserve a gold star for marrying him.
What a perfect post 🙂 I hope your perfect man reads this. It’s nice to know just how much you are loved when your loved.
What a perfect post 🙂 I hope your perfect man reads this. It’s nice to know just how much you are loved when your loved.
Your husband sounds wonderful for you!!
He is perfect for you! I love that you found someone to teach you and clearly he is learning from you, as well. Yay for UP!
It is perfectly wonderful that you know your husband is perfect for you. I would bet that he also thinks you are perfect for him.
love that! that was so sweet!
“So you see, my marriage is not perfect, but my husband is perfect for me.”
I can so appreciate that. How lovely to have visited your blog today – just when I needed that reminder.
My guy said I wasn’t allowed to say he was perfect anymore. LOL! So – you are a modern day cougar!!! I love it when wives think their guy is awesomely wonderful! I don’t think my husband would join either:)
My guy said I wasn’t allowed to say he was perfect anymore. LOL! So – you are a modern day cougar!!! I love it when wives think their guy is awesomely wonderful! I don’t think my husband would join either:)
I always said my husband was the best husband in the world FOR ME. And that my dear is the way it should be! (ps. perfect is over rated)
Ahh, what a sweety! You did good!
very nice!
I think my husband is pretty perfect, nice to know there is others out there too! We are lucky girls!
very sweet posting!!! i love it when the guys are perfect for the gals!!!
Now that’s sweet. 🙂
That is so sweet. You are blessed to have him in your life.
no one is perfect!
that photo is sooo adorable!
have a great day!
big hugs!
This post totally made me smile. You go girl with your imperfect beautiful marriage and thank you for sharing your feel good moment.
I feel the same way. My husband has a few flaws the the good things about him go so above and beyond that I forget quickly. I like to assume he feels the same about me.
Dude sounds awesome. He might be a feminist, but I think he is more of a “wifeist” meaning he aims to please.
Yay! I am all about men identifying as feminists! We need more of them! Sadly, there are some many myths and stereotypes about what a feminist supposedly is, that people are afraid to use the F-word.. I have a shirt that says “This is what a feminist looks like” with an arrow pointing up. Someone should make T-shirts like that for men too! – G
he sounds great!
i like interesting and flawed people. perfect is impossible, but when you meet people who come close they are always boring as hell. my husband and i are perfectly flawed.
and i, too, am a few years older than my other half 😉 in english they say cougar. i think in spanish we use tiburona 🙂
That is a nice way to put it. And you are right, nothing is perfect. It can be wonderful though.
I love when you said “liars that’s who” Soooo true! What a great guy your hubs is!!!
I LOVE this! So sweet. My husband also is a self-proclaimed feminist (after he met me, of course!). Congrats on your POTW. 🙂
you’ve got yourself one great guy there!! i can just imagine your heart melting all over the floor when he said that! congrats on POTW!
What a very nice share. You understand what you have where many just take it for granted and forget the treasure they saw at one time.
that is so sweet. what a great guy. congrats on your POTW!
Oh, that is so lovely!
“…this person has come into my life to teach me something.” I love that thought. Really lovely post. So sweet.
Thank you.
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