I used to dream of visiting New York, then in 2001 I was lucky to visit for the very first time in my life. I went in May, months before the awfulness that would occur in September, and I fell in love. I’ve been fortunate that life has brought me back to New York on other occasions. In February of this year, I will be returning for what I believe will be my fifth visit. I will be there for work and my stay is far too short, but I’m still excited because I’ll take New York even if it is only for a New York minute.
In anticipation of my visit to the city of New York, here is a bit of New York nonsense.
If you haven’t seen this prank that was played on New Yorkers, I’d recommend you take a gander, it’s pretty funny and features the Devil himself as a baby.
I think I would have pooped my pants if I came across that horrifying child.
Now, you may be aware that American Apparel is no stranger to controversy and yet they are still managing to raise some bushy eyebrows with this Valentine’s Day window display in their East Houston retail store in NYC.
I guess this is the kind of BUSH that both Republicans and Democrats can get behind.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Everything eventually comes back into fashion.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
A bird in the bush is … oh never mind. I think there is job for a trimmer in NYC.
Other than airport visits, in and out with time in terminal mode, I have only spent a few hours walking around Time Square and the Broadway area. I’ve fortunately have spent days of time in SF and the surrounding area (even did time at Alcatraz as a tourist). With my bias view I would rank SF many cities above NYC.
Well, you know San Francisco has my heart.
Oh my, those are some mannequines!!!
Hahahaha – I saw the “bush” yesterday – I must confess it is a lot thicker than the laziest shaver’s. 😀 It may not be long before we see embellishments – ornaments – decorations for that particular area.
As for the devil baby, arrgh.
You, dear Claudya, enjoy your visit to New York. It is one of my must-see destinations and I was sad I couldn’t make it there when we traveled practically along the US border last year. Sigh.
I have only ever flown into NY however it is on our bucket list.
I would freak if I came across the devil baby! Have a fun NYC trip love the energy of the city!
Haha! I am so glad that I had swallowed my coffee before seeing that pic!
When I saw those pics online I nearly fell off my chair. I think it’s kind of hilarious.
I think it’s funny too.
LOL!! Awesome “display.” I really liked that creepy video! The last (and only) time I was in New York City, I was in the audience of Phil Donohue. Are you old enough to know who that is?haha
Thanks for linking up. Have a great weekend.