Hola Chulas y Chulos! This week’s The Flying Chancla Report is a straight-up tribute to the astounding power of the chancla. Honestly, it’s kind of crazy how the chancla can inspire so much fear. Its power is so overwhelming that the threat of it is enough to stop most in their tracks. ¿No me crees? Watch on and be humbled by the mighty chancla.
- This piece was brought to my attention by three different friends: Maybelline, Roy and Andrea. At first glance it appears to feature a defenseless woman and her tiny dog standing within biting distance of crocodile infested waters. Just when you start worrying that the dog is about to become a croc bocadillo, you realize that this woman is not defenseless at all because she’s wearing chanclas (flip-flops in case you are not fluent in chanclazos). She ain’t even scared when the crocodile gets all up in her space, she just takes a chancla off and lets the crocodile know that she will use it if she has to. How does the crocodile react to being threatened? Like the good little hijo de la chanclada that he is. Take a look for yourself.
ALSO READ: Emojis Your Latina Mom Would Approve Of - You know what’s harder than making a crocodile behave? Making a toddler behave. Toddlers are little monsters who do ridiculous things like hide inside of a cabinet at a furniture store. That’s when wearing chanclas to the store comes in handy. Watch how this kid comes flying out of the cabinet he was so intent on moving into once the chancla comes off the foot.
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- I realize that in our increasingly secular times, it becomes harder and harder to believe in a power that is greater than us, but it doesn’t take a ginormous leap of faith to see that a chancla can work miracles.
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, and only the occasional chanclazo!
I’m a chancla’s convert.