Celebrating a friend’s birthday at Pump It Up.
San Francisco, CA
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fun place to have birthday party. Nice lively colors.
Look who made an appearance.
Sigh – – – I’ve been SUCH a prodigal.
I was thinking of you yesterday, Keetha. I’ll be over & email you! 😀 Hugs. SO good to see you!
That is a very cool place– Great exercise and activities for the kids!
Happy New Year, jj
Looks fun! I love the first abstract shot. Happy Sunday!
We are big fans of Pump-It-Up around here. Looks like you guys had a great time!
That looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing!
Great pics! My kids love Jump and Climb places too!
The activities look fun, and as usual, the colors pop. I love the contrast of your daughter’s blue dress and the hubs red plaid shirt. Nice.
I believe my grandchildren have been to a b’day party held there. They are within walking distance of Safari Run in San Mateo which reminds me of this.
Wow. I love those inflatable play things! So tempting! 😀 The girls are enjoying themselves and I love it!
One advantage to being little is that I can crawl through and into these Pump it Up structures. I think I have more fun than the kids.
Be well. Congratulations on your magazine feature (cited below)! That’s wonderful.
Love all the wonderful, bright colors. You all have some of the best places to place.
That looks like a whole lot of fun to me
Looks like fun, I wish they would have had those when my children were young!