I wasn’t going to go to the San Francisco Women’s March because I have mental health issues that make it difficult for me to be in crowds, but when I turned on the TV to see coverage of the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. and all across the country I was woefully disappointed.
Actually, I was pissed off because online I could find coverage that showed what an incredible turnout there was nationwide and even worldwide. I complained on Facebook.
Why the fa-junka-junk wasn’t this covered on network TV? I kept flipping through the channels and nothing. Yes, I know there was cable and online coverage of it, but I don’t have cable and if something this big is happening, it should be getting coverage.
The whole thing made me so pissed off because I wanted to show my daughters that women matter, that they matter, that people will stand up for what’s right. Since the revolution is not being televised, I had to go in person to see it for myself and I’m so glad I did.
I ran into an old friend while I was there.
I also re-fell in love with my beautiful city.
San Francisco City Hall in pink for the occasion makes me swoon.
San Francisco Women’s March
It went down on January 21, 2017
ALSO READ: #ThanksObama Tweets That Make Us Wish for a Third Term
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I’m glad you made it out…and I’m jealous! I really hate crowds but there wasn’t a march anywhere near me. I’ve enjoyed seeing all the pictures from all over the world!!
Good for you, the whole thing was so inspirational and helped to restore my faith in people. I wanted to go to the one in London but my daughter was sick but we stayed home and rooted for everyone who did go all over the world
It’s been quite extraordinary. Here’s hoping there’s enough people willing the change.