One of the girls isn’t feeling very well, so we thought some art therapy might take her mind off of her stuffy nose and sore throat.
Sick Kid Art
San Francisco, CA
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It’s been quite a week for you, huh? The surprise lay off from your job, and then, a sick kid at home. It gets better, mami.
I’m not gonna lie, Laurie, it’s been rough.
Beautiful art like that would make anyone feel better!
Hope the art break helped your daughter feel better. And you, too. I don’t come by often, but I have noticed that you’re a wonderful soul with a lot of positive energy. Once you’re over your initial shock, you, no doubt, will start turning your frown upside down. Best of luck. Thanks for hosting a cool place to park on Sundays.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I truly appreciate the kindness and warmth.
Wonderful photos, nice enjoy developing creativity !!
I hope it helped, there is nothing worse than a sick child in the house… well hold on! There is … a sick husband!
Boy, oh boy are you right about the sick husband.
Happy New Year! Hope all is well with you and yours. I’ll be by for a catch up as soon as I get my bearings.
Hope she is feeling better…..