Tell me I’m not the only one that gets into a “woe is me” mood, a “why isn’t anything ever easy” mood, a “could anything else go wrong” mood. You get in those moods too, don’t you?
I constantly flirt with those moods. Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to flip my attitude. Small things [and sometimes big (that’s what she said!)] remind me that sometimes things work out just fine for me. I think it is important to take a moment to appreciate my good fortune because I certainly take enough moments to bemoan when things do go the way I want them to.
Here’s what happened recently that helped me remember that for the most part I am fortunate …I went to use a brand new ATM card for an account that I opened because my old account started to charge ridiculous fees that I refuse to pay (woe is me). Anyway, I went to the ATM, made a deposit, and went on my way. Later that day, I wanted to use the new ATM card to pay for dinner and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I left it in the ATM machine! Argh!!! I just got the dang card and I immediately lose it (woe is me).
ALSO READ: 11 #WinMeOverIn4Words Tweets That Are Pretty Hard to Resist
I went back to the ATM machine, the card was not there, but I asked a security guard if anyone had turned one in and he said yes. I went inside the branch that was just minutes from closing and got my card back! Something that was my fault and was potentially going to turn into a pain in my butt instead ended up being a nice reminder of the kindness of strangers.
This got me to thinking of other times I’ve gotten lucky or benefited from the kindness of strangers…
- Once I lost my wallet and even before I noticed it was gone someone had called my home phone to let me know they had found it.
- Years ago, I was mugged and my boyfriend at the time asked me if I could get any of the material things stolen from me what would I like back the most. I said, “Everything.” Guess what? I got everything back except for $5 and my sense of safety. Apparently, the mugger just kept dropping my stuff along the street and 3 different people went out of the their way to contact me and return my journal, purse, and personal effects. It was nice to know that for the one horrid person that took from me, there were at least 3 kind people willing to help out a stranger.
- I was in college, totally broke, and hungry. Payday wasn’t until the next day. I went for a walk and found $2 on the sidewalk, which I took to the produce store and turned into a delicious baked potato dinner.
I have so many more examples, but you get the point. It is so easy for me to get into a “woe is me” mood, but the truth is that more often than not, “woe is not me”. In your face woe!!!
What about you? When have you gotten lucky and I’m not talking about in the bedroom (that’s a whole other post)?
ALSO READ: I Wished for Something Amazing and I Got It!
Oh, there are so many times that I’ve been lucky with things…but I don’t think it’s luck as much as being blessed. One of those, “There but for the grace of God, go I…” things.
I’ve been working very hard to lose weight (woe is me…) but, after a month of dieting and exercise, I was finally able to wear an old pair of jean, a full size smaller. In one of the pockets, I found a $10 bill. Totally made my day.
Those are great stories. Many times I have told Mrs. MM that everything will be okay, as she waits for the other shoe to drop. Sometimes you just have to have faith.
I know I have had many over the years, I just can’t think of one in particular. I love when woe moments turn into sunshine!
My son is going through so much and has been through so much but I think God we have the resources and money to help him……in some countries, he’d just be out of luck with no medical care………….Our garage door broke, it just needed a small repair not a brand new motor or puller thing………and we had the money in our savings account.
I agree with Mimi! I feel blessed over and over every day of my life. Rather than look at all the things that went wrong, I concentrate of the good things. Good things happen in my life every day, sometimes they are very small, but they are there. We owed big time to the feds this year, and we didn’t have it. I prayed not for a lotto win, but just to find a way to pay the taxes. It happend. Now we just have to tighten the belt to pay back the source of the funds. I’m just glad it’s over…for now.
One of my nagging insecurities is that no one likes me. It’s been like that since I was an itty bitty thing and has never gone away completely. Blogging has actually changed things for me. My friends come by my blog each day both the folks I have seen in real life and my blogging friends. You all aren’t being forced to come over to my blog and say Hi or comment, so it really has been a blessing in the no-one-likes-me-I-might-as-well-go-home-and-eat-worms attitude I get sometimes.
I can honestly say that I like you. I even like you when you talk about palm trees getting Brazilians.
I’m glad you can look on the bright side! it’s so important to do so.
We see so many bad things in life, that we sometimes forget that there are a lot of good people in this world. You’ve had the good fortune of crossing paths with them. And just as you describe, sometimes the good things happen just when you need it most.
I’ve had my car stuck in the snow a few times, and there are always people who stop to help.
yes luck has passed my way a few times. I do think you need to pay attention or you’ll miss it. Believe or not we won $1000.00 in a pickle jar. Made for nice vacation money.
I post a few weeks ago about the happiest person in the US (NY Times had an article) but do you know who the unhappiest person is? His wife – His constant over the top attitude drives her nuts. You can’t be too happy constantly all the time – people will think you are loony.
I’ve met with so much kindness in my travels when I was young… Especially in Asia, where people took me in and fed me and gave me somewhere to sleep.
Congrats on your Blogiversary too!
Lady Luck has smiled on me a few times in my life. I’ve won a car and cash in several contests. How lucky is that!??
Have a nice day!
Get out! Good for you.
I just love it when a “woe is me” moment turns into something truly awesome. I’ve had many in my life (though for some reason can’t think of a particular one right now lol). {Hugs} Mami!!
I just love it when a “woe is me” moment turns into something truly awesome. I’ve had many in my life (though for some reason can’t think of a particular one right now lol). {Hugs} Mami!!
I just love it when a “woe is me” moment turns into something truly awesome. I’ve had many in my life (though for some reason can’t think of a particular one right now lol). {Hugs} Mami!!
I was at a local water park with my family one day, about eight years ago, and left my fanny pack purse in one of the bathrooms. Someone took my purse, but turned it in, minus the eight dollars in cash. The person left my driver’s license and credit card alone. I was SO lucky!
Hey, an $8 finders fee is not bad at all.
Well Mami, like you I have had many moments of what to me constitutes good luck. Today for instance I found my lost glasses three days later where I had left them in the book shop. Only I didn’t realise till today where they were. Until now I’d searched everywhere. I lost my watch once on Brighton England -I’ve blogged about it – but found it later in the bottom of my bag.
I’m an optimist. I see the donut, not the hole.
I am a believer in Karma. I don’t do things for people in hopes that the good will circle back to me, but it does seem to happen that way. It also is about perspective. I believe that good things happen to people often but they are too wallowed in the negative to see the peek of sun shining through. Don’t get me wrong….I am NO continual Pollyanna and can whine with the best of them, just ask my family….I have just learned to at least try to find the good in the crap and usually, USUALLY, I can find it 🙂
“In your face woe”!! That is awesome!
We did taxes yesterday and for the first time, didn’t owe….and might actually end up with a refund!
every time i see the MITM coming through the gates at the airport, i know how fortunate i am, sugar! xoxoxo
every time i see the MITM coming through the gates at the airport, i know how fortunate i am, sugar! xoxoxo
I was feeling that way all week. I tried to remind myself how lucky I am when my husband said to me, “Your glass isn’t just 1/2 full it’s overflowing!” That’s what I named my lastest post, We all feel that way! I, too, have had so many wonderful kindnesses, too. Great post Mami!
I think the luckiest I have ever been was when I was moving to college in 1996 (pre cell phone era for me) – it was me, my 4 yr old son, our two cats and a VERY full Honda with every bit of space full, setting off on a 6 hr trip across state. Halfway there, just past the mountain pass, my car is shaking like mad and I pull over at a rest stop and call my dad, who tells me to unload the trunk, get out the jack and spare tire – jack up the car and spin each wheel to see which one is wobbling and put on the spare. Then drive to the nearest town and buy a new tire. And hurry–cause it was getting close to 5pm and I’d be lucky to find a place open on Sunday.
This elderly man volunteering at the coffee stand saw me sitting in despair near my car, staring at my very full trunk that I was going to have to unload and he came by and chatted with me for a few minutes. Then he got his jack out, jacked the car up and found the bad tire. He took the tire off the car and then told me to hold on a few minutes. He left and made a phone call at the pay phone and then came back and said that his son-in-law lives ten miles down the road and if I could just sit tight with my little one and the kitties, he’d go get me a tire from his sons shop, but the shop was closed and the son lives 20 miles away, so it would be a short wait. What could I do….
So I let some stranger drive away with my tire and wait…and after an hour, he comes back, puts a new tire on my car and then he refuses to accept payment.
He told me to consider it an early graduation gift and gave me a hug and wished me well as I started college as a single mom.
BEST graduation gift I got, for sure.
I will never be luckier than I was that day.
Wow! That is unbelievably touching. What a kind person! I love him.
Other than the time we got burglarized (and I got my empty purse back two years later), I have always gotten lost things returned to me by nice people. Good things happen to good people, ya know…. 🙂
You definitely aren’t the only one. I definitely have those moments, too, though I do my best to search out the silver lining – small as it may seem at the time. Snow on April 18? The wee ones loved it and had fun playing in it. It didn’t make the streets slippery. AND it wasn’t a destructive storm as there was elsewhere.
Weird, I was just thinking about you and then I got your comment.
I hope you have been well. I haven’t been very good about commenting lately because I always seem to have a baby nursing when I’m trying to read posts.
Hmmm…I can’t think of anything specific right now but I know I’ve had lots of those moments in my life. It’s easy to get wrapped up in my little pity parties. Sometimes it only takes a little thought and perspective for me to snap out of it.
Those are great stories and you were so lucky especially with the atm card. At the moment I cant think of any woe moments but I am sure there are
I love the positive side of things!!! YAY that you got to experience the good in all the yucky. 🙂
I post new post after I got your comment. Lucky me, hybernating too long 🙂 Just need knock knock sometimes lol!
Well…I think having my 400 dollar speeding ticket dismissed is DAMN lucky!
I definitely get in those moods but I look around and it doesn’t take long to realize just how lucky I am!!
I think we all have those lucky times….we just need to remember we have them.
I loved your post and it is amazing how many honest people there are in the world. I left my atm card in the machine and ours are programed to eat them so no chance of getting it stolen or returned. Of course it is like 7 days to wait til you get a new one (I guess that is a woe is me ;(
My daughter left a pair of sneakers at a theme park (Wet and Wild type of thing) We went back and they were still under the seat where she left them. Yay!
Years ago, I went to the MOMA to see the Chagall exhibit. It was the last day of the exhibit so the line to get tickets was HOURS long. I had the whole afternoon free so I resigned myself to standing in line. After standing in line for all of 5 minutes a couple approached me offered me one of their tickets. Something had come up and they would not be able to go. They gave me and the woman behind me in line their tickets. Twenty minutes later, I was in the MOMA enjoying Chagall. It was the best day ever.