This holiday season was great for me. Truly wonderful. Part of what made it so wonderful is that I made a concerted effort to reach out to friends and family thanks to having the opportunity to try out the AT&T GoPhone U.S., Mexico and Canada Plan. I even got my kids in on the connecting and had them talk to relatives they’ve never even met in person.
I’m so grateful that I connected with my friends and family during good times because right now I’m going through some NOT very good times and staying connected to my friends and family is more important than ever. You see what happened is that I got laid off and I don’t know if you’ve ever been laid off, but it brings up all kinds of terrifying feelings. Even if you know you are good at what you do, even if you know it isn’t personal, you can really get yourself into a funk. You know what helps keep you grounded and reminds you that you are so much more than just one circumstance in your life? Your friends and family!
In a world where friends and family don’t always live close to you, thank GAWD for phones and affordable plan options. For reals! I can’t tell you what it’s meant to me to get calls and texts of support. I really can’t tell you, but you should know that I’m crying with gratitude even as I write this. I really, really hope that this inspires you to reach out to your friends and family in the good times as well as in the bad times. I’m telling you, your peeps want to hear from you, they really do.
If you have people in the U.S., Mexico and Canada that you would like to keep in touch with on the regular, I encourage you to check out the new AT&T GoPhone $55 U.S., Mexico and Canada rate plan for the following reasons:
- It’s easy to set up. I was able to go online and set up my GoPhone within minutes.
- There is no credit check. No one is judging you, you need a phone and now you can get one without a credit check.
- You don’t have to give them much info at all. I gave them my email address, that’s about it.
- There is no contract. You pay as you go. You aren’t beholden to a contract that if you have to break, you will be expected to pay some kind of break-up fee (although that is not the technical term).
- Overage fees are so over. You won’t get hit with overage fees you weren’t expecting because you are paying for what you are going to get before you get it. Get it?
- The phones are affordable. Frankly, I was surprised at how affordable the phones are. There are GoPhone 4G LTE smartphones on sale starting at $69.99 and GoPhone 4G smartphones starting at $49.99. Do you see what I mean?
And as for the actual details, here’s what you get with the new GoPhone U.S., Mexico and Canada Plan:
Unlimited texting to and from Mexico and Canada
Calling to and roaming in Mexico and Canada for $0.01 per minute
U.S. nationwide unlimited talk, text and data usage with 1 GB at high speeds**
**Data usage exceeding the high-speed allowance will result in a reduced data speed of up to 128 Kbps for the rest of your 30-day term. Actual speeds vary by device and location.
*Disclosure: This post is sponsored. All products mentioned and reviewed on this page are compliments of AT&T. All opinions of the products are my own.
Oh Mami– This is a perfect example why you’re a great writer. You speak from the heart.
xoxo jj
Joanna, I just want you to know how much your support has meant to me throughout the years. You are simply wonderful.