Do you know these plants? We call them poppers because when you squeeze them, they pop. Their actual name is Impatiens sodenii, but poppers sounds so much better, don’t you think?
San Francisco, CA.
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We have poppers but it’s not very common but we play with ‘maple noses’.
Happy Sunday!
When you squeeze it, does it open with a scrolly thing??? We used to squeeze something that did that when I was a kid.
I also remember squeezing a snap dragon flower together to make it “talk.”
Yes, once you pop them they get scrolly. I’ve never squeezed a snap dragon.
Cool! I remember squeezing those things when I was a kid – – – but I have NO CLUE what they were called.
You gently squeeze the snap dragon on each side of the horizontal opening between the top and the lower petal parts, and the lower part drops down just like a jaw. Looks like the dragon is talking.
I loved that! Poppers! What fun! And it has the right botanical name too! Impatiens!
I totally know these plants. We used to play with these when I was little. We would pop all of them & my Grammy would get so irritated with us. LOL
Oh poppers are always lots of fun. 😉
Hi! Poppers seem to be a lot fun. I don’t recall ever seeing or playing with one. This is my first Sunday participating 🙂 Very happy about that. Happy week!
So excited you are playing along.
Too cute 🙂
If I have not said it lately, thanks for the beautiful photos. Thank you, too, for hosting Sundays In My City. It’s a great Sunday hangout, isn’t it?
If I have not said it lately, thanks for the beautiful photos. Thank you, too, for hosting Sundays In My City. It’s a great Sunday hangout, isn’t it?
We have those here too and I jump everytime I hear the pop
Poppers sounds perfect to me!
Impatiens! Of course!!! I love Impatiens. They grow so beautiful in my yard.
Just want to say: I’m so sorry for being a stranger these past few weeks. Life has gotten in the way of my blogging and visiting. I just hate it when that happens!!! Trying to get a Sunday in my City up . . .soonish I hope!!! Have a great week!
I’ve not heard of this plant before. That is so cool.
I have never seen such a thing! That is adorable…
What fun!
Nice sequence, did not know this plant.
I like the blues and tones of these photos. We didn’t have those impatiens where I grew up, but played buttercups and the snapdragons as well.
I remember popping some type of flower maybe it was these. I also played with snapdragons until one day I thought I was so smart to catch a bumblebee inside one. I learned they have stingers.
I’ve never seen a popper, but I want to pop one 🙂 X
Cool! I’ve never heard of those.
I grew up with impatiens and even worked in a nursery for several years and never knew they popped! Learn something new every day… Thanks for visiting my blog and hosting this great series!
It does sound more fun. I have never seen these before.
A day late and a dollar short ~ the story of my life lately. . .I’m linking up anyway. I hope you have a great week with your babies!