For me it was not love at first sight.
I know for some people, many people it was love at first sight, but not for me.
I think I was in awe at the sight of you. Looking at you for the very first time and knowing that you would completely alter the course of my life was shocking.
I wanted to memorize your face. That face of a stranger that was somehow so familiar. I would look away and worry that I would forget what you looked like, that I might not recognize you in a crowd. Now the crowd would fade away and all I would see is that face, that beautiful face, your face.
I love you so much, I can not imagine living without this magnificent love. Every time I feel full to capacity with love, the unbelievable happens: my heart grows to make room for more love.
Since you’ve come into my life I am happier, not because you fill a void, but because you have given me a new-found appreciation for my own life, for the simple pleasure of being alive and for that I will always be grateful to you.
I love you more than I ever thought possible.
To: Put Pie (mi vida, mi alma, mi amor)
From: Mami
I showed you mine, now you show me yours.
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