I saw this random log in the park that someone seems to have transformed into some kind of an animal. Do you see the eye and mouth?
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Ha! That's fabulous. I almost hope to have nightmares about it, because they'll be hip, handcrafted nightmares.
Very fun. I'd saw it's a dinosaur.
Happy Sunday Mami.
That's awesome!! It's cool that someone turned something that might otherwise just sit there and look ugly into something to talk about and take pictures of!!! Neat!
eeeek, a log dino, scary!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
I love this, I think it is a dinosaur. hope you have been well., I am hoping this comment goes through. I hope you are enjoying your summer.
That's a clever log! I can also see I want to see a dog and then it is too fierce, I think you have discovered a new species…
Have a fab day.xxx
PS: How is the job situation? I am wanting all the best for you.
ha. what a cool thing to stumble upon…
I can see it… like a tyrannosaurus rex. Fun sculpture.
That is very cool!
Helen x
As soon as I saw it, I thought about an animal too!
That totally looks like a TRex!!
I love when people do this to trees! Where I spent my summers there was one that was a dragon that reflected at night. It was pretty cool!
An alligator perhaps? I for one like it when someone sees a picture in something and enhances it to share with the rest of us. Did your camera dry out yet?
Cool! Around here, the big thing to do is stack rocks. You can be walking along somewhere, a park, in the forest, down the sidewalk along an empty lot, and you'll see a stone statue of balanced rocks that are meant to be inukshuks. It's just something people in Vancouver like to do. It's actually very meditative. – G
I love the lighting hitting it and the shadows against the light. It looks like a crocodile to me.
Happy Sunday!
B xx
Well that's creative!
I can totally see it. Reminds me of a dinosaur. I haven't got to pop over to say hi in awhile. I am a prisoner of summer! lol
You have really inspired me to get out and about in my city:) I think that's the perfect activity for today!
That log is cool!
I love it! Very unique. I won't be able to post my SIMC post until later today (visiting with family right now).
Looks like a dinosaur to me. Pretty cool!
Yes yes yes I can totally see it!!! I love it when you find an animate object inside an inanimate object. (Does that even make sense?)
Such a creative use of downed timber. Nice shot Mami.
looks like something from jerassic park…cool 😉
How fun! Looks like a dino to me 🙂
I love it. That's what this feature is all about…noticing the everyday wonders. XOXO
I see a dinosaur!
This is cool. I think it's great that no one has destroyed it and has let it be what it is. Definitely a rarity these days I think. Neat-o find.
The minute that I saw it I was thinking that it was a T Rex!
Took me a second, but I DO see it!
The first thing that popped into my mind when I saw that was the Loch Ness Monster.
Cool. Cool. I didn't see anything until I read it. I dig it.
Your city is way more interesting than mine today. We just returned from Mimi's which I think is in every city.
I don't know what Mimi's is. Is that your aunt's house?
I see it! Before I read your caption I was thinking, “That tree looks like a dragon.”
It's like DINO LOG!
Very cool! I'm finally in CA! Hope to participate soon!
Fantastic photo. I hope to join you on this feature very soon.
I just want to let you know that my “I Comment Therefore I Am” post is up. It went up earlier than I had meant it to owing to the joys of scheduling not to mention mis-scheduling. I realize that Monday happens much later in San Francisco (that is where you live, isn't it?) than in Lucknow (India) and I'll be tied up with finishing homework and putting kids to bed when it's due to go live for you. So I'm taking the liberty of letting you know now, leaving the url and hope you'll visit me when you get time. If you are doing the feature this week, please link to me. I promise to visit you tomorrow to leave my comment. Thank you so much, I love doing this feature.
Totally looks like a dinosaur! thats so neat 🙂
Too cool. It looks like an alligator to me!
That is the coolest log I've seen!
Cool tree!!! I love it when people make designs in nature!
Yay! Welcome to CA.
OMG that is so cool! Wish I would have seen that!
The wittlings of a creative mind. 🙂 Very nice.
Hope your camera's OK after its soaking. They're tougher than we imagine so fingers crossed. (Commenting here because Disqus, as usual, wants me to sign in on every. comment. I. make)!
sorry I missed this week. hope you are doing well 😉
That's a true work of art if ever I've seen one.
Love the dinosaur log! Awesome.
I love clever and this is indeed clever.