Would any of you be interested in sharing Sundays In Your City? I love doing Sundays In My City because it encourages me to get out and enjoy my family in the beautiful city of San Francisco.
I would love to see your cities through your eyes. If any of you are interested, let me know in the comments section and maybe in a couple of weeks we could all link up and travel to each other’s cities. I could put up a Linky.
If there is interest and it goes well maybe we could do it regularly. It would be a very lazy interactive sort of thing. You could post later in the day after you have had time to be with your loved ones.
Let me know. If not, I’ll keep sharing Sundays In My City with you.
ALSO READ: The Ice Cream Bar (Sundays In My City)
Tammy Howard
I love Sundays in your city. I would be willing to play along, but
probably not weekly. The next quite a few Sundays find me in cities
other than my own.
July 26, 2009 2:18 PM
Barely Domestic Mama
My city isn’t as cool! 🙂 Love the pictures. We’re hoping the hubby’s
job will move us temporarily to San Francisco in the future. It would be
great to check out the area for myself. My hubby loved going out there
to visit.
July 26, 2009 2:31 PM
Pink Peony
Sunday in Tucson during the summer is all about staying inside :S
July 26, 2009 2:51 PM
That view…that unbelievably gorgeous view!!!!Have you ever
been to Cha Cha Cha? I’m just curious because our dear family friend was
the GM of that restaurant and died not too long ago. It about
devastated my brother completely (his best friend).
July 26, 2009 4:54 PM
Green-Eyed Momster
I walked that bridge more times than I can count. I love that city and I
worked my first jobs in San Francisco. I miss Pier 39 and the
Fisherman’s Wharf. I wish I’d had the taste for seafood at an early age
because I sure miss it now.Great posts. I’m keeping my city a secret for now.Hugs!!
July 26, 2009 5:19 PM
Sounds like a great idea. My city is much smaller than San Fran, but
just today I was again appreciating its beauty. If you link it, I will
July 26, 2009 5:35 PM
That first picture… is just incredible. I love the fog over the
bridge and the sharpness of the bushes in the foreground. Great shot! I’d
love to play along, but that would have meant that I would have had to
take the camera out of the bag when I was in Chicago this weekend.
July 26, 2009 5:40 PM
!!The Obnoxious SAHM!!
HECK YES! I love that idea! very cool! No wonder I like you so much! You are brilliant! LOL
July 26, 2009 5:57 PM
That’s a great idea! We do not spend every Sunday in our city, but I would definitely link up whenever I can.
July 26, 2009 7:27 PM
Single Mama NYC
Great idea — NYC is in! Now, I can’t say I will be as faithful about
it as you and do every Sunday, mostly because Sundays like today found
us lazing about indoors because of the insane thunderstorm that pelted
us all day — NYC has been ridiculously rainy this Summer. But to the
extent that we can be out and about, I’m in!
July 26, 2009 8:05 PM
The Redhead Riter
Beautiful pics.Stopping by to give a little blog ♥
July 26, 2009 11:30 PM
Eternally Distracted
Sundays in my city sounds like a great idea. I actually did something
similar last Sunday (as it happens!) Take a look at my post ‘we all have
something to smile about’ when you get a mo. I may have to cheat in
the future and do Fridays instead of Sundays as that is the weekend
July 27, 2009 12:18 AM
yes and yes!
July 27, 2009 12:37 AM
You know I’m in. (Once something interesting happens here, anyway…)
July 27, 2009 3:11 AM
Multiple personalities..
Oooh, this sounds like fun! It would provide an opportunity to go out and explore the city I live in more. count me in! 🙂
July 27, 2009 5:08 AM
Jeve (aka John and Steve)
Oooooooooh man! Do I miss SF. Thanks for the pictures. I may be interested in participating in the “Sunday feature”.
July 27, 2009 5:33 AM
Nori D
You get some great pics. You almost make San Francisco seem more fabulous than NYC. Almost lol (j/k). I
would love to participate. Times like this is when I miss living in NY.
Right now, from a little ‘burb in NJ, I can only offer you front
gardens, and kids riding bike down the block. Bleh. Hey, maybe I join in
though, it’ll get me to think outside the box. The very small box.
July 27, 2009 7:56 AM
I would totally do Sundays in My City! Does it count if it is really Sundays in My Suburb?!We just went to San Fran in June. I absolutely loved it. Beautiful place. I can’t wait to go back.
July 27, 2009 5:43 PM
I love, love, love SF! I’ve only been a few times, but it’s always on my
travel to-do list! Love to read books with SF as the setting, too. And,
yes, I’d link up with the Sunday city idea! Do it!!!!
July 29, 2009 9:28 AM
Life with Kaishon
Pretty pictures.
July 29, 2009 10:14 AM
Yay for SF!I live in Santa cruz.. and I would join this meme… Could always use another reason to go out and take photos!
July 29, 2009 3:58 PM
Joanna Jenkins
Beautiful. I used to live there. It’s a great city. Thanks for the reminder.
July 29, 2009 6:46 PM
I wish I lived in a place that had some nice scenery. 🙂 I can try and join in.
July 31, 2009 7:32 AM