My husband and I do our best to be “green”. We recycle, buy organic when we can, compost, take reusable bags to the store, you know the drill. We are mindful of our impact on the planet not in a hippie granola kind of way (although there is nothing wrong with that- it’s just not my aesthetic), but more in an urban hip “we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” kind of way. Certainly we are not perfect, but we do what we can and honestly it’s not that hard.
So why (hangs her head in shame) am I giddy over this gas guzzling SUV?
You see, this is the car I currently drive a 2 door Toyota Echo.
It’s a great car. It gets about 34 miles to the gallon and it has served me well, but ever since this one came into my life
getting her in and out of a 2 door subcompact car without hitting her on the head or hurting my back is an exercise in contortionism. I would love to get a 4 door hybrid, but unfortunately that would require money.
Well as luck would have it, my step dad and mother are selling their 2000 Chevy Blazer and they are selling it to me for $50! That’s right FIFTY BUCKS! Are you kidding me, how could I not buy it?
Someday I’ll get a hybrid or wait until they make cars that don’t run on fossil fuel, but in the meantime I am absolutely GIDDY that I will be driving a gas guzzling SUV that cost me $50.
This post was inspired by prompt #3 of this week’s Writers Workshop.
Different vehicles at a great price are always enthusing. That is one of the reasons we still have our Tahoe with more than 190,000 miles on it. Still works great and is a joy to load things in and out of.
Saying hello from Mama Kat's blog!
We do what we can, too. I drive a small(ish) car now, but when my kids were wee, I had an SUV. It's just very practical when there are strollers and car seats and diaper bags involved… And I agree – I'd have a hybrid, too, if I could afford one, but I can't. $50, on the other hand…
*LOL*! $50? Buy two…. ;O)xx
Heck, for $50, I'd drive a lime-green hearse…no, not really! But what a great treat for you! I used to have to get my daughter out of the back seat of a Volkswagen Beetle…yikes. OH, and when the battery died? It's under the backseat…under the carseat and groceries and the baby.
Stopping by from Mamma Kat's,I don't remember why, but my dad told me that if you are going to give someone a car to actually sell it to them for a buck or something. My guess is that they won't tax you on it like you would if you bought it from an actual dealer.
Enjoy a Tremendous Thursday!!!
Visiting from Mama Kats…I'd be giddy with any car that ran and I got it for only $50. I think you're offsetting your carbon footprint (I think that is the term I've heard used!) by all the other things you do. And I agree — a little kid and a two door compact car requires more contortionism than a Cirque du Soleil performance!
Funny you mentioned the hybrid. While waiting for my friend at the SF airport she calls me and tells me she is running late. But, she will be driving her new car, a Green Priusand to look out for her. During the wait I counted 30 Green Priuses. lol I love SF.
That deal makes me feel giddy too!
you had me at $50
I would be giddy about anything that could get me somewhere for $50…I think bicycles are more expensive than that anymore! Stopping by from Mama Kat's.
I drive a Nissan Xterra and my hubby's company car is a Toyota Highlander hybrid. Based on the mileage he will eventually have to give it back and will get a Camry Hybrid. I wish I had the money to buy it from the company. I don't feel too guilty about my Xterra since it gets great gas mileage and is paid for. Enjoy your new Blazer.-Kiki
How could you not jump at that opportunity? We all try to do our part to "save the Earth." Maybe ths is God's way of thanking you for job well done!
$50??? If you don't want it, can I have it?
$50??? I'd guzzle gasoline myself for that price!
JEALOUS!!! I want a bigger car because my 40 lb 3 yo has honestly out grown my little Civic that was once a college car. Love that thing but man do we need some space!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You should definitely check out Mad Men. There aren't a lot of choices for good scripted Tv anymore. The writing and acting is superb. You really get involved in these characters lives. I've turned a lot of people onto it. I am a big Tv watcher and have had little faith in the writer's and networks for many years. This show gives me hope. Take care.-Kiki
I used to drive a four door Honda Civic. Then I got pregnant. I now drive a SUV and couldn't be any happier about it. Yes, that fab Civic got about 34 mpg and this SUV gets about 21, but dang — so worth the ease in getting the Dude into the car. The Price is Right! 🙂
What $50.00 BUCKS!!! You got to do what you got to do:) Sorry, but no car payments out weigh loads of things:) Love this post! I loved your comment today still LMAO!!!
I'll give you $75 for the car 😉 You could probably get me all the way up to $100!
$50? That's a deal I couldn't pass up either. I drove a 2-door Cavalier and almost killed myself trying to get my kid in the backseat. And forget about it – on a windy day trying to keep the heavy door from smashing into the car next to me was near impossible. I think 2-door cars were made for people with no plans to really use the backseat.
I help out my sister and we would just exchange cars due to my 2-door situation! When I do have to complete the "great seat exchange" it is such a hassle…good thing I don't wear panyhose anymore…cuz I would have run them all! The bending over in the back is not good either!~claps hands~Yeah you!
Enjoy your new $50, BIGGER, FOUR-door car!!!Love the Echo, though :)Lucy
I drove a mini-van that used so much gas that it was possibly considered a crime, but I did it because I had two small ones in car seats and there was no way that a small car would work. Now that they are bigger and can get in and out themselves, I have a smaller car that uses less gas again! It's not like you will be driving it forever…but at $50 how could you not take it!