On a recent walk with my two daughters, my youngest, Luna Pie started making up songs. Mostly she was chanting our names over and over and claiming it was a song. I won’t lie, it was super cute, but the kid has to learn that this is a harsh world, so I started making up lyrics that were so much better than hers. She is 3-years-old and I am 43-years-old. I kick her butt as a lyricist any day of the week.
My songs were hilarious and both Luna Pie and my eldest, Put Pie, were cracking up at lyrics like, “Luna Pie, Luna Pie, Luna Pie likes to fart and cry!” Good stuff, right?
ALSO READ: I Made My Mother Laugh
Oh, the girls were laughing and trying to come up with lyrics that rivaled mine, but really they were nowhere near as brilliant until we turned a corner and caught up in the moment, Put Pie failed to notice that the sidewalk was full of strangers. Normally, strangers bring out the shy in Put Pie, but not this time, this time she belted out for all to hear, “My mami has a penis!”
Now, I can assure you that I do not have a penis. At least I didn’t the last time I checked. I would have told the strangers that I don’t have a penis, but that would have come off very, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” and truth be told, I do not think that there is anything wrong with a lady having a penis, so I didn’t want to act like I did. Instead, I just kept walking.
Fortunately, I live in San Francisco and the people we passed by appeared to be locals because they didn’t react at all. Locals are not at all be shocked or upset by a woman with a penis or a kid screaming that her mom has a penis. I love it!
My daughter thought so too. She was really pleased at herself for coming up with those lyrics and when I told her daddy later, she could not stop laughing.
Cute story!
Does she know something we don’t? Cuenta, cuenta!!
That is too funny; great story! It reminds me of the time Kyle (age 3 at the time) walked out of the bathroom buck naked, penis in hand, and announced to his dad and me (in bed, buck naked), “Hm. I don’t have a jina; only Mommy and Daddy have jinas.” (I figured out that he meant pubic hair.HAHAHA)
That is so funny…..out of the mouth of babes!
Are there more lyrics? That’s a great memory for future laughs and bribery. Our youngest once shouted out at the large fountain in Grant Park Chicago, “Let’s get naked”. What’s the age limit for giving these types of announcements? There are days I feel ….
Hey, not sure if you saw that I started a podcast series. You might enjoy it…or not..but I gotta try…You can check it out here: http://www.latinconfusion.com/.
Heheheh. SO cute! I love Put Pie! And really don’t think anything’s wrong with a woman having a penis! Hugs!
Love it, love it, love it!!!
She certainly won this round! !
Hahaha, I’d have to agree with you. I do plan to get her back during her teenage years, though. I’m a patient one.
Visit me at: http://www.unknownmami.com.
You got the same reaction there you would have received in NYC! LOL
You are right! That could be why NYC is my second favorite city after SF.
Ha ha! I imagine you can turn that around and embarrass her by telling her about it in 10 years.
Maybe your doughter found your dildo… And thats how she created the song.