My co-sleeping days are coming to an end and I’m not sure I’m ready for it.
My babies will always be my babies, but they seem intent on growing. I wish I could keep a baby version of them in my back pocket that I could pull out whenever I needed to. I guess that’s what pictures and video are for, but it’s just not the same.
This week my kids are making me nostalgic for the present. Of course I love watching them grow and go through different stages, but I really love the way the are at this very moment and then when this moment turns into the next, I love them in that very moment too.
Luna Pie, my 17 month old, has shared a room with Unknown Papi and me since birth. We put her to bed and later when we go to bed, she wakes up and co-sleeps with us. That was until a couple of days ago.
A couple of days ago, Put Pie (my soon to be 4 year old), asked if Luna Pie’s crib could be moved into her room. She really wants to share a room with her younger sister. So we did it. The girls are sharing a room and Unknown Papi and I get a room to ourselves. Except, not really.
Luna Pie, wakes up at some point in the night and starts calling for me. At that point, we grab her and she comes to sleep with us for the rest of the night so that she doesn’t wake up her sister. It’s pretty amazing that Luna Pie wakes up and calls for me every night right at the moment when I start missing her. Either I’m sensing that she is going to call for me or she’s sensing that I miss her.
Before Luna Pie, Put Pie would co-sleep with us. That means that I’ve been co-sleeping with a child for almost 4 years. I have mixed feelings about nearing the end of our co-sleeping era. I look forward to having more room, not waking up with a numb arm, and actually getting some uninterrupted sleep, but I will miss snuggling my babies all night. At night my daughters melt into me and I can tell they feel safe and loved. I like hearing them chuckle in their sleep, I like being there to sooth them when they have a bad dream.
With the birth of my first child I became a reluctant co-sleeper. I didn’t intend to co-sleep, but it became the only way that I could actually get some sleep. Now I am at the point in my parenting where I am reluctantly saying goodbye to co-sleeping. It actually makes me ache a bit. I love my babies and for as much as I’ve complained about my lack of sleep, I’ve never complained about being able to wrap my arms around them or smell their sweet breath at night. I’ve always known that my daughters like sleeping with me, I guess I just never realized just how much I’ve enjoyed sleeping with them.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
It’s okay to miss something you thought you’d never miss.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Is Luna ready to be in a big girl bed with her sister? Maybe the two of them snuggling will keep her asleep…as for you missing them…I think some point they will always end up with you snuggled in bed and you will get your fix. When my husband travels my daughter sleeps with me I love it….gonna miss that when she goes to college. It’s the only time she lets me snuggle with her and love our late night chats…omg see what you did now I’m crying ! ugh! parenting hard! Have a great weekend!
No, my Luna Pie is still too small to share a bed with her big sis. Big sis would love to snuggle with little sis, but little sis will have none of it.
I SO know how this feels!
I never co-slept; as a child, or as a mother. I figured nursing for the first year was enough! So sue me. I am useless if I don’t get a good night’s sleep to this day!
Should I sue you? Do you have lots of money? I could use some money.
My mother didn’t co-sleep and quite a few people have been a bit judgmental about our co-sleeping, but whatever. I didn’t intend to co-sleep because I actually like sleeping with just my husband, but it just ended up that I was getting more sleep with them in my bed than I was trying to keep them in their own. Now I’m used to it.
I would be thrilled if Liam would sleep on his own…He starts each night in his own bed and sneaks in with me at some point and by the time I notice, it is not worth it.
There’s not enough room in our bed for Derek & I half the time, I can’t imagine trying squeeze another little person in there! I’m sure you’ll enjoy the added space once you get used to it though.
Not to mention on most nights our BIL’s dog sleeps with us too. That’s why I wake up with a numb arm. I can’t move.
What happened to your blog? I can’t get to it. My reader has a post from July 12, but when I try to visit the actual blog…nada.
Okay I can’t relate to this one, but I’m sorry it’s the end of an era for you.
Your daughters are so blessed to be loved that much. You know what you say about what goes around, comes around? Some day you will be so glad.
I never thought much of co-sleeping. I guess you didn’t either and just fell into it (which is better than falling out of bed). Lots of transitions to experience when kids are little. Later the transitions are spaced out more. The first crawl, the first walk, then you turn around and they want the car keys. Myself I have fond memories of the first time they paid for dinner.
This left me a little teary eyed… we co-sleep with our 19 month old and I can’t imagine the day when he leaves us! He’s an only child so there isn’t a big sibling to encourage him to leave so we wonder how long this will last… Sometimes my husband and I complain that we would like to have space for ourselves, but when it comes down to it, we really love the warmth of sleeping all together. I love when he wakes up in the morning and smiles at us all sleepy eyed, best feeling ever. We’ve also gotten some heat from others in the family about it. But my attitude is: how we sleep has absolutely no impact on your life, so why do you care what we do?
I find it strange that some people are so passionately anti-cosleeping. It’s not like I’m passionately anti-crib; it’s whatever works for the family.
We co slept with most of my kids and it was the best experience ever. They turned out to be secure, happy kids and we’ve got exceptional relationships with them. I’m convinced it was because of their foundation. We figured that it was a small portion of our lives but a big part of theirs and whatever sacrifice was worth it. My hat’s off to you my dear. You’re a good mom! 🙂 (As well as a great guacamole recipe giver!)
Love you!
🙂 Hugs! I know how you feel. It is funny, the “missing” never goes away. I am lucky I have a very affectionate child.
Co-sleeping is very common in Latin culture. I don’t have kids. My sister hit upon a good solution. Her two boys slept in the same room, but when one, or both, called out for her, at some point when they were toddlers, she let them sleep on pallets next to her bed. Some mornings, they were two boys sleeping, one on mama’s side, and one on papa’s side of the bed. Soon enough, they grew tired of that, and she allowed only Friday night as the night to sleep in the parent’s room with sleeping bags.
We co-sleep with both boys sometimes – they start in their own beds and it’s easier to calm them at night if they come into our beds – less disruptive for our sleep… hugs to you on reaching this mami milestone…