Hola Chulas y Chulos! It’s once again time for your weekly dose of The Flying Chancla Report. I’ve thrown my chancla far and wide across the internet to bring you items that you will give a flying chanclazo about!
Chancla adelante!
- I have young kids so on occasion I’ve been known to get in a good coloring book session with them and it can actually be very soothing, but can I just say that kids’ coloring books bore me to pieces? Enter Coloring for Grown-Ups: The Adult Activity Book available on Amazon. Check out just a few of the highlights from this book.
Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone will gift it to me for Mother’s Day. Hint, hint. - Check out Cut Video’s 100 Years of Beauty – Episode 56: Mexico. Qué viva la belleza Mexicana!
ALSO READ: Sick Latina Mothers Be Like -
Oh and I put together the CUTEST (if I do say so myself) gallery of babies dressed as Frida over at Latinamom.me. If you like this baby Frida, click on over to the link above to see plenty more Friditas! So CUUUUTE!
You’re the best thing that ever happened to us #BaybeeGonzalez
- Update: I just had to update with the news of La India María’s death because oh my heart! At 74 years of age María Elena Velasco known to her many fans and admirers as “La India María” died this Friday. The cause has not been revealed, but it is suspected that she died due to stomach cancer. La India María was always such welcome entertainment in my family when I was growing up. She brought the funny every single time. I wholeheartedly thank her for all the laughs. From the bottom of my heart, mil gracias!
Fallece la actriz Maria Elena Velasco “La India María” a los 74 años. Su última película fue ‘La hija de Moctezuma’. pic.twitter.com/h4BwbFiBhp
— IMCINE (@IMCINE) May 1, 2015
And that my lovely chancleros is all my flying chancla has time for this week. Remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
I love your Flying Chancla reports Claudya! That baby IS cute!
And sorry to hear about La India Maria – it is always hard to imagine someone you enjoyed growing up with, gone. I feel that way about some of our legendary singers – probably because their music is alive and well.