Hola Chulas y Chulos! It’s been a rough week in the world and it sucks. Let’s take a moment to pray, meditate or however it is you send positive energy to all the folks who are suffering through no fault of their own because of a senseless and inexcusable act of hatred and violence. We’re all in this together. One love, no? Anyway, just had to acknowledge reality before giving a bit of levity with this week’s The Flying Chancla Report.
My chancla has flown through the internet and smacked across some pieces you will give a flying chancla about. Check it out:
- Have you seen or heard about Tree Change Dolls? Sonia Singh takes old discarded dolls, removes their makeup and gives them a make-under so to speak. The results are crazy wonderful. The dolls end up looking like actual kid-appropriate dolls—as in they aren’t wearing hoochie clothes and Vegas showgirl makeup. Here are a couple of before and after photos from the Tree Change Dolls Facebook Page:
- Fifty different people were asked one question: “If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?” The difference in how children and adults answered is sobering.
ALSO READ: These Abuelas Giving Sex Advice Is the Best Thing You Will See All Day - Okay, so this following video is only 8 seconds long and if you can’t be bothered to watch it, well we might have to end this relationship of ours because really it’s AWESOME and what, you don’t have 8 seconds to spare for awesome?
- The next item was sent in by one of youz, Chancleros. Just goes to show that I’m not the only one with a chancla scouring the internet so don’t be shy about sending me items you think would be of interest.Speaking of shy, that’s how 13-year-old Alondra Santos describes herself, but somehow she mustered the courage to sing for the show “America’s Got Talent” and wow! Let this be a lesson to us all not to ever let shyness or fear get in the way of letting us shine.
That’s all my flying chancla has time for this week. Los quiero mucho, mis Chancleros! Remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
Leslie Limon says
Awww! The baby beatbox is SO cute! 😀