Hola Chulos y Chulas! It’s time for your weekly edition of The Flying Chancla Report and hijo de la chanclada there are some bits of awesomeness in this one. ¿Listos?
- So when Trump first announced that he was gonna try to get his huevos in the office shaped like a huevo, I thought, “Who the heck is gonna listen to this huevon?” Sadly, he’s got supporters who think he’s all kinds of refreshing when he speaks his mind even if when he’s speaking his mind it manifests itself in complete and utter bull caca spewing from his mouth. I’m not gonna lie, what with all the support he has gotten I’ve been a bit worried that perhaps he could get elected to that office that I don’t even want to mention in the same sentence as him, but I feel so much better about Trump’s political future now thanks to Puerto Rican super-astrologer Walter Mercado.
ALSO READ: What Latino Icons Look like to Everyone ElseWalter Mercado released an audio video on YouTube where he basically puts Trump’s cards out on the table and predicts what will happen to Trump politically. Press play below to hear Walter Mercado call out Trump like a BOSS, but if you don’t speak Spanish let me break down some of the best parts for you, ‘kay? Mercado says that Trump is aggressive and opportunistic (you don’t have to be a famous astrologer to figure that out). He also says that Trump’s chances of becoming president will dwindle when the nation figures out that he’s an egocentric xenophobe who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist of it.
In other mind blowing news: there are a couple of Taco Bells in California (one in Bakersfield and one in Lost Hills) selling what is being called the Naked Crispy Chicken Taco. The picture that was tweeted below shows this concoction that has crispy fried chicken as a “shell” instead of a boring ol’ tortilla. WHAT?! I don’t know how I feel about this. What do you think? Would you bite into one of these? I might ‘cause OMG I never would have imagined such a thing and maybe if I’m drunk enough I’ll think it’s superb.
yo @tacobell i found a location that had a taco shell made out of chicken – it was so good. any more info on this? pic.twitter.com/41LRxgfoOX
— jawk (@jawk) September 1, 2015
I can’t tell you how many times as an adult I’ve actually listened to the lyrics of a song I thought I knew and have been blown away by how naughty the song actually is. That’s pretty much what happened to these people who were born in the 90s when the folks at Distractify had them really pay attention to the lyrics of “Macarena” by Los del Rio. I have to say I was born a couple of decades before these 90s kids, but I had never really paid attention to the lyrics either. Turns out Macarena is come kind of hoochie. I’m not judging her or anything, but DAYUM! Check out the reactions, they are pretty funny:
ALSO READ: 13 Tweets That Perfectly Describe #GrowingUpMexican
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
LMBO!! “hijo de la chanclada” is my new saying!!
lol, love this and the spread love not chanclazos sentiment 😀