Welcome to another edition of The Flying Chancla Report. I have been sick all week, but that has not stopped my chancla from scouring the interwebs to find items that you will give a flying chancla about! Check out what it found:
This video cracks me up because I am such a klutz and would love to have the pizzazz to recover from a fall with a sexy leg lift like this young lady does.
I’m a big fan of Danny Trejo. I pretty much love him in every role he has ever played and I was thrilled to watch him on “Sons of Anarchy” when I was binge watching that show. A while back I heard talk that he was opening a taqueria and I guess it’s happening soon. Like any minute now, the doors of Trejo’s Tacos will be opening in Los Angeles. They’ve even got a hashtag already #BadAssTacos! Oh man, I so want to try Trejo’s Tacos!
— Danny Trejo (@officialDannyT) March 20, 2015
- Did you hear about how Eva Mendes made a comment that sweatpants are the number one cause of divorce? I’m sure she was probably joking unless she’s commissioned some kind of study that backs up the comment. Regardless, her comment got a lot of sweat pant wearing women’s chonies in a bunch because we want to wear our sweat pants and believe that our significant others will still find us crazy attractive. Ha! Well, Jennifer Lopez, another ridiculously attractive woman, came out and said about Eva’s comment, “I live in sweatpants. Men like that jiggle. I think she’s 100 percent wrong.” I think it’s awesome that JLo lives in sweats, but I will say that she has been divorced a few times so although sweat pants may not cause a divorce, they don’t stop you from getting divorced either. Clearly the lesson here is that the strength of a marriage has nothing to do with sweat pants. Yoga pants? Now, that’s a whole other conversation.
That’s all my flying chancla has time for this week. Remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
I thought Eva Mendes was joking, too! It was a total tongue in cheek comment. At least, I hope it was 🙂
I’m sure it was a joke. You know she has a cherished pair of crusty sweats laying around.
From: Disqus
To: unknownmami@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Comment on The Flying Chancla Report
#yiv3991247225 #yiv3991247225 a:hover, #yiv3991247225 a:hover span {color:#1188d2!important;}#yiv3991247225 .yiv3991247225button-cta:hover {color:#ffffff!important;background-color:#1188d2!important;}#yiv3991247225 .yiv3991247225button-cta:hover span {color:#ffffff!important;}#yiv3991247225 #yiv3991247225 #yiv3991247225 #yiv3991247225outlook a {padding:0;}#yiv3991247225 body {width:100% !important;}#yiv3991247225 .yiv3991247225ReadMsgBody {width:100%;}#yiv3991247225 .yiv3991247225ExternalClass {width:100%;display:block;}#yiv3991247225 @media screen and ( _filtered_a ){#yiv3991247225 html {}#yiv3991247225 .yiv3991247225content {width:100%;}#yiv3991247225 table {border-collapse:collapse;}#yiv3991247225 h2.yiv3991247225headline {font-weight:700;font-size:20px!important;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv3991247225 .yiv3991247225button-cta {display:block!important;padding:0!important;}#yiv3991247225 div.yiv3991247225header {padding-top:20px;}#yiv3991247225 div.yiv3991247225footer {padding-bottom:20px;}}#yiv3991247225 #yiv3991247225 p.yiv3991247225mod-tools a:hover {color:white!important;background:#8c989f!important;}#yiv3991247225 @media screen and ( _filtered_a ){#yiv3991247225 td.yiv3991247225avatar, #yiv3991247225 td.yiv3991247225spacer {width:38px!important;}#yiv3991247225 td.yiv3991247225avatar img, #yiv3991247225 td.yiv3991247225spacer img {width:28px!important;}}”I thought Eva Mendes was joking, too! It was a total tongue in cheek comment. At least, I hope it was :)” | |
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I thought Eva Mendes was joking, too! It was a total tongue in cheek comment. At least, I hope it was 🙂 3:50 p.m., Friday March 27 | Other comments by melbs1969 | |
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We all need our cherished crusty sweatpants. Maybe without the crust, though. Because, well..ew 🙂
“the strength of a marriage has nothing to do with sweat pants” – now those are words to live by! And a good thing too!
I sure do hope Eva was joking. Hard to believe anyone would say that seriously. But in other news, #MacheteEatsTacos Love it!