Hola Chulas y Chulos! My chancla is exhausted from virtually smacking a certain pendejo who keeps making headlines for his pendejadas and inciting others to be pendejos as well. We won’t name names because we can’t with that guy anymore, but let’s just say that we call him Chump and that’s because what we really want to call him is so nasty we’d have to give ourselves a chanclazo. But enough of that nonsense, we just had to vent before getting on with the goods in this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. ¿Listos?
- My chancla and I came across this fantastic woman shakin’ her groove thang and it made us so happy. Look at her move! We want to be just like her when we grow up. People, do not let aging scare you! It’s inevitable, let’s dance our way there together, OK?
ALSO READ: Sexy Salsa-Dancing Abuela Will Blow Your Mind
- And then THIS you guys! If it weren’t for this Facebook post by an astounded lover of avocados in their natural state, my chancla and I would not know that there are parts of the world where pre-cut and peeled avocados with a caca-ton of packaging are sold to people who are either too lazy to cut their own avocados or just don’t have a clue as how to get to the yummy green stuff on their own. So strange, but apparently people are buying them, so what the heck do my chancla and I know?
If you are wondering why a store would carry these over-packaged avocados, the store where this picture was taken (Sobeys in Canada) responded with the following:Thanks for sharing this with us Christine. This product was developed for people who might be new to using avocados and for a little more convenience. It eliminates the guess work when it comes to ripeness and any challenges if you are not familiar with peeling and seeding a fresh avocado. The packaging is there to keep the fresh wholesome appearance and quality of the avocado without it browning prior to consumption. Hope this answers your question and if you do have any more you can certainly reach out to our team at customer.care.ontario@sobeys.com.
- This baby laughing at her daddy eating asparagus is undoubtedly one of the best things you will experience all day. Her laugh is AHHH-MAZING and she laughs so hard at one point that she farts. Baby’s can totally get away with farting and laughing at the same time because they are so cute.
ALSO READ: Prankster Baby Proves That Some People Are Just Born Funny
- My chancla and I would like to leave you with a selfie of Jaime Camil because we LOVE him! Deal with it…
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
Thornhill is a suburb just on the outskirts of our beautiful multicultural city Toronto. I actually don’t live too far from that Sobey’s that’s selling those pre-packaged aguacates. I’ll let you know that Latinos are pretty much non existent in this part of town mostly because it’s predominantly a Jewish community. And I’m not trying to imply anything. But maybe we should give Sobey’s a chancletazo for promoting laziness ? now let’s go teach these folks how its done…